Open Wounds (Non-Request)

395 5 2

Guide to reader info:
(Y/n) = Your name
(H/c) = Hair color
(H/t) = Hair texture
(F/c) = Favorite color
(A) = Age
Reader: Male
Relationship: Platonic friendship between reader and Mustache Girl, maybe a crush
Themes: Friendship, abuse mentions, post-game ending(with timepiece), and minor violence
Synopsis: Mustache Girl is attacked by the Mafia, and the reader helps her heal.

-Third person POV-

(Y/n) woke up in a dark alley. This... This wasn't where he was supposed to be, this was somewhere much different. He looked at his hands, dirt and redness covered them. How far had he fallen? As he ran a hand through his (h/c) (h/t) hair, (y/n) heard a girl cry out.

"L-let go of me, you brutes! Haven't you d-done enough damage?!" she shouted.

It sounded like she was nearby, so (y/n) ran out of the alley to help her. He crossed bridges and bolted past a large fountain. There, he found her being punched by a large man in a suit while another held her up by what looked like a cape.

She was screaming for help, tears streaming from her golden eyes. Her nose was bloodied and her blonde hair was a mess of tangles and dirt. The most notable feature on her face was her mustache, the coloration matching her hair. The man dealt another punch to her stomach and she coughed up a small amount of blood.

(Y/n) hopped down from the building he was on and held out his large broomstick. It didn't look like much, but it was a sturdy weapon he liked to wield. This caught their attention.

"Hey, shoo! Get out of here while Mafia teach lesson!" One of the men commanded, briefly stopping the assault.

"I'm not gonna let you beat her up!" (y/n) growled "Not if I have anything to say about it!"

"Ha!" The man laughed "Child funny! Mafia not stop until Mafia is done teaching lesson!"

"Hey, I'm not a kid! I'm (a)!" (y/n) hissed "Let her go!"

The men who referred to themselves as 'Mafia' dropped the mustached girl, stomping towards (y/n). He took this as the start of a fight, smirking and raising his weapon.

"Bring it on..."

The Mafia goons attacked him viciously, throwing punches. However, they had terrible aim on a moving target and punched each other instead. Once they were in the way of each other, (y/n) whacked them repeatedly with his broomstick. When one was taken down, a power surged within him. A fireball shot out of his hand and burnt the remaining Mafia goons to a crisp.

"Wow" he said in awe.

He turned his attention to the mustached girl, who was coughing and sobbing into her sleeve.

"A-are they gone?" She whimpered.

(Y/n) nodded "You're safe now, miss... Uh..."

"Maru" she introduced "My name is Maru, but you can call me Mu for short if you'd like!"

"Ah, nice to meet you! I'm (y/n)!"

She struggled to stand, but cried out in pain when she fell to the ground again. Her legs were shaking when she stood, even if she was only standing for a moment.

"Maru, you shouldn't be standing in such a condition!" (y/n) told her.

She scoffed "Don't be ridiculous! How else am I supposed to get home? If I can even call that cave a home..."

He picked Maru up and smiled "Well, I'll carry you! Besides... You didn't think I'd let you go without healing, did you?"

"Y-you don't need to-" she tried to deny this, but when she tried to get out of his arms, another jolt of pain hit her.

"You can barely stand... I'm taking you into my home and helping you!" he triumphantly stated.


(Y/n) leapt onto a nearby building, a beam taking them both into a large spaceship. It looked similar to his sister's, a kid who used hats to help her around.

The difference in the main hall was that the bricks were lighter, more of an off-white color. Another difference was that the floor was made of oak boards with a circular, dark violet rug in the middle of the room. The doors worked the same way, motion detecting, but the colors were different. Instead of the bedroom being on the left when facing away from the front, it was near the back where Hat Kid's engine room and bathroom was.

Maru only had a bit of time to inspect one other door, the one on the left had a gear in the door, which gave her the impression that it was the engine room.

She was rushed into the bedroom, which was very different from Hat Kid's room. She had done some exploring of her ship before... She didn't want to think about that.

The walls of the room were a soft (f/c), instead of the bright half-purple half-orange of Hat Kid's room. Most notably, there wasn't an enormous pile of pillows in half of the room. In their place was a desk with an easel and some paints skewed about. Looks like (y/n) liked to make art.

She was rushed into a bed with (f/c) sheets and swiftly tucked in. They were warm, much warmer than the cold sand in the nights of Mafia Town.

"I'll go get some medical supplies and some pain medicine, you stay here, okay?" (y/n) said in a cheerful tone.

Maru waited, but not long. He was back in no time, carrying a first aid kit and a cup. He was about to hand it to her, but her hands were trembling wildly. Seeing this, he pressed the cup to her lips and helped her drink it. She had no idea if it was medicine or just water, but it was refreshing for her throat.

"Why... Why are you being so kind to me?" she sounded less strained now.

Even though she was speaking quietly, her voice had an air of authority to it. She also had a noticeable English accent.

(Y/n) smiled "It's the right thing to do, isn't it?"

"I-I suppose... You didn't have to take me in, though! I've had to deal with this often there..." she admitted, but got quieter "Although this was much more harsh..."

"What?! What kind of men would beat up a young girl like that?!"

She looked down at the sheets, gripping them a little tighter "The Mafia... Th-they took my home from me, and I'll do anything to get it back! They drove away my only family and friends, sometimes they w-would... They would..."

His eyes widened "No... What?! You're... You're all alone?!"

Tears began to stream down her cheeks "I was one of the ones they spared... Me and my grandfather... Even then, we're still treated horribly..."

He rushed to her, hugging gently yet with a certain comforting tightness. She wasn't sure how to react, all she did was return the embrace and smile.

"Thank you..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2019 ⏰

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