Chapter 1: Vampire?!

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Stefan's POV:
"I'm a vampire" as those words left my mouth I sighed in relief. Elena slowly backed away trying to find a knife, terrified for her life.

I backed away and slowly said "I won't hurt you, I never will. Your my girlfriend." The fear in her eyes hurt me. I loved her with all of my heart and all she could see was a monster and I just hate that, I would never do anything to hurt her. "LEAVE, NOW. I don't want you here"

I tried to stop her, trying to calm her down but at this point I knew she wanted me to leave her alone for the night so I did. I walked out of her room closing the door and hearing a lock instantly from the inside which I think hurt me the most today.

I drove home in my beautiful Porsche worried if Elena would tell anyone, I trust her but she really has no reason to trust me right now since I kept this a secret for so long already. We've been dating for only 1 week now but I think I'm falling in love. After about 15 minutes of long lasting train of thoughts I finally reached the Salvatore mansion.

I open the front door which Damon always keeps unlocked since..well, he's a vampire, there not much to it. He's stronger than anyone, even me. I drink animal blood which makes me weaker than Damon. But I drink it because I can't control my bloodlust but Damon can and doesn't really care, he was fearless, he always has been.

I walk into the living room to find Damon opening a bottle of bourbon, of course. I sat next to him, sighing as he took a sip of his bourbon and said "so what'd you do today, brother?"

I sighed once more too scared to tell him what I told to Elena today so I just made up a random story of Elena and I going to the grill and having a great time or whatever. He knew I dated Elena. He knew everything, we were very close. He wasn't only my brother, he was my best friend. But I won't lie, he is impossible to handle sometimes, especially when he's mad and I aslo knew he didn't trust Elena.

Damon's POV:
He's hiding something, I can sense it. He's always been bad at keeping secrets especially from me. But I ignored it knowing that he wouldn't spill until he wanted to. He's a stubborn little thing. I finished my cup of Bourbon, placing it on the table next to my favorite reading couch which I was sitting on and went to my room, and fell asleep almost instantly. Sleep is my one priority, especially with a pretty girl on my side.

Speaking of pretty girls, I woke up to Elena standing next to my bed, panting. I got up in shock and asked "What are you doing here??" She looked terrified and then backed away from me slowly. "ARE YOU ONE TOO? She yelled.

So I put the pieces together and realized. STEFAN TOLD ELENA!! Oh god. "What do you know?" I asked in a very slow and gentle voice. I tried to as subtle as I could. Which was harder then I thought since I have a really bad temper.

I got out of the bed, standing on the other side. I looked at the clock on the corner of my room to find that it was 9am. I saw Stefan on the outside of my room trying to get in but she wouldn't let him.

"She came in the house asking me questions but when I got too close she freaked out" he whispered.

So I decided to try something. So I got closer to her hoping she would somehow let me. "Don't even try, she won't trust YOU out of all people. She didn't let me" he interrupted.

I ignored what he said and got closer to her. After a while of me slowly walking to her side. She let me take the knife from her and walk her down the stairs.

I saw Stefan standing there in complete shock and so was I. Did she trust me more than him? I walked her to the living room as she sat on the end of the room and us on the other, she felt safer that way. She asked for the knife back.

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