Chapter 5: The Kiss

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Elena's POV:
I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest as I ran out of the grill as fast as I possibly could. I quickly opened the door and hop into my car.

I look into the mirror to see that the bite mark was gone. Damon's blood did heal me. I slowly started to sob. How could Caroline, my best friend, hurt me like that? Damon didn't hesitate to save me but Stefan did. Damon saved me. And I've never seen this part of him. Ever.

I attempt wipe the blood off my shirt and drive home. I knew the house would be empty. Aunt Jenna was out on a date and Jeremy went to a party on the other side of town.

I walk into my house and lock the door instantly. I grab a bottle of water and run up the wooden stairs into my room. I look into my room mirror and wiped the dry tears off my cheeks. I felt betrayed by everyone except Damon. He protected me.

I walk into the bathroom to change my clothes into my comfortable pajamas. I took a shower and put them on. As soon as I was done I walk back out into my room and once I entered, I saw Damon. I jumped out of shock.

He was sitting next to my window reading my journal. I drop my clothes to the ground and snatch the journal away from his hand. He looked at me and said "sorry, I didn't know you wrote a journal. But I'm actually here to see if your okay, for real this time."

I saw the worry in his eyes, he actually cared. I look into his eyes as mine started to slowly water, thinking about what Caroline did to me.

I quickly turn away and wipe my tears. I try my best to hold it in but as soon as I turn around he was right in front of me. There was barely any space between us. I could feel his warm breath against my face.

I look up into his luscious green eyes. He didn't say a word. I stood there for a while. But as I was about to say something he put his soft finger on the bottom of my lip making me shiver. In that moment he had complete control over me and he knew it.

He brushed my hair back on the side of my ear. I knew this was wrong but I didn't do anything. He stared at my lips obviously wanting to kiss me. It was like we were the only 2 people on this earth. His eyes slowly turned dark and just as I was about to say something once more he pulls me by my waist and kisses me.

I burst open my eyes. Was this actually happening? He put his hand around my waist tightly, I slowly processed what was happening and decided to kiss him back. I knew it was wrong but I couldn't help it. He obviously couldn't either.

The way he kissed me my sent shivers down my spine. Our tongues danced as I curl my fingers through his soft hair. After 2 minutes he slowly pulls back.

I kept my eyes closed. I lick my lips and slowly open my eyes. He slowly took his hand off my waist and opened his eyes.

He looked into my brown eyes and smirked at me. He softly grabs my chin and kisses me once more on the forehead and then disappears. T-That was just amazing. I felt very guilty but now I know how Damon feels about me.

How will I tell Stefan? I can't. When Damon is around I'm weak. He had the power to control me in ways I can't explain. And I think I love him.

Damon's POV:
I don't know what I was doing? My mind just kept telling me to kiss her so I did and it felt great. But the thing is, she actually kissed me back!?

The thought of compelling her to forget this moment kept crossing my mind but the feeling of her lips against mine was unexplainable and absolutely amazing. I don't know if I love her but I care about her, a lot. I betrayed my brother and I don't know what to do about that, he'll never forgive me.

The drive home was a complete blur. As I entered the Salvatore Mansion, I knew Stefan would be there and ask questions about what happened which scared me.

As I was about to open the door I could hear loud screams coming from the inside which meant Caroline woke up, great. I open the door and walk to the basement.
I open the room Caroline was in and slowly enter. I lock the door behind me and put the keys in my pocket.

She's chained to the chair and her face is filled with rage. "GET ME OUT OF HERE DAMON, NOW." I ignore her and grab a blood bag from the corner of the floor which she can't reach. "Now, I would give you this blood bag but you hurt Elena which also means your not in control with your bloodlust" I say. She rolls her eyes and keeps trying to get out of the chair.

I could hear Stefan walking to the room. I open the door and let him in. I left the room quickly before he could ask me anymore questions having to do with Elena.

As I walk up the stairs to my room I feel someone grab my arm, it was Stefan. "Hey, why'd you just run off?" He asked. I didn't wanna answer him. "Oh um. I'm just really tired, I just wanna get some sleep" I say. I hoped he'd leave me alone but he didn't. He walked with me to my room and sat on my reading couch as I laid on the bed. "So um what happened. Is she okay? Did you help? Does she love me? Does she-" I cut him in.

He would just keep asking and I really don't have time for it. I should tell him. He deserves to know. But I'll lose him forever. "Stefan I need to tell you something and I'm honestly so sorry it happened. But I think you deserve to know" I said sweating from fear. I could sense that he already knew what I was gonna say.

"What happened, Damon?!" He asks. I look down and don't answer him. I could see that he was starting to get mad, he wanted an answer. He got up from his chair and asked once more "DAMON, what the hell happened in that house? IM NOT ASKING AGAIN." He shouts.

I look at him and I could see the rage in his eyes. "W-we sord of um.. kissed?" I sag quietly. His eyes widened and I could see the hurt in his eyes.

The closest people in his life just betrayed him. He walked closer to me and punched me, my nose started to bleed then he disappeared. What did I do? I'm so screwed.

After that horrible conversation I took a long cold shower. After the shower I put on my towel and walked into my master bedroom. I walked to my closest and grabbed a leather black jacket and a pair of denim jeans.

I dropped my towel to change and as I turned around I saw Elena entering my room. I was completely naked. When she saw me her eyes popped open.
She quickly turned away.

I chuckled and said "are you sure you wanna turn around?" She tossed me the towel from the ground. I put it on and she slowly turned back around. She rolled her eyes at me. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Oh um...I'm looking for Stefan. I can't find him anywhere." She obviously didn't think of the fact that I might've told my brother what happened.

"I don't think you wanna talk to him right now, Elena. He's not in the best mood" I said. She looked at me in confusion until she figured it out. "Did you-?" "YUP" I cut in. Her eyes widened and her mood completely changed.

"Damon this cant ever happen again. I love STEFAN. Okay?" She said acting like I'm the only guilty one here. "Um..ya sure. Let's just act like you didn't kiss me back" I said.

She knew I was right. She didn't have any words to say. And I was still in my robe. But where did Stefan go? I turn around to grab my phone, I called Stefan but of course he didn't answer. I turned back, facing Elena and saw I saw Stefan standing behind her!!

So um..that happened, tea. Stay tuned for the next chapters. Vote and comment pls <333

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