12: you belong with me

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I see Taylor's name and a picture of her flash up on my phone screen

Why is she calling me?

My question is instantly answered when I hear sniffling

"Taylor, are you okay?" I speak softly into the phone

"I don't know"

"Taylor? Please don't cry, I hate it when you're sad"

"I'm sorry, I'll just go" she says sadly

"NO!" I panic

"I didn't mean it like that, I want you to be happy, tell me what's going on, it might help" I explain

"i-i i feel so alone, everyone thinks I'm so happy and have the perfect life, and I keep pretending that it's true, but it's not! I'm sick of hiding who I am, who I am isn't some popstar with the perfect life, who I am is a girl who was given the opportunity to pursue her dream, I took the chance and became something, I was so happy for so long, but I was getting ripped to shreds by most people around me, getting slut shamed, being manipulated and lied to, sexually assaulted, stalked, betrayed by my closest friends, cheated on multiple times, and slammed by the media and it's all been twisted so I'm to blame, that's why I took the break, but I haven't talked to anyone about it so it's built up, and I don't know how to deal with it" she cries

"I'm so sorry you had to go through all this, you didn't deserve any of it" I sniffle

"oh my god, I made you cry, I'm so sorry" she apologizes

"it's OK, let's be happy though" I laugh

"why can't you see you belong with me" I sing

"you belong with me" she sings back

We both burst into a fit of laughter

I can't help but think she doesn't like me, I know singing that was a joke, but I kind of meant it.




"sorry, i-i was thinking" I stutter

She laughs

What a beautiful sound

"so, what's going on with you?" she asks

"nothing, just waiting for Ed to text me so we can meet up-"

"YOURE MEETING UP!?" she yells excitedly

"yeah I can't wait"

"that's amazing" she beams

I wish I could meet you




"what th-"

"sorry I don't know where my charger is, my phones about to die, I'll text you when I find it, bye ba-jack. yeah, bye"

"OK, stay beautiful my superstar" she hangs up

One unread text from 'Edlez': hey I just got to my hotel, meet up in an hour?

I text back a quick "sure, let me get ready" before I rush around, pit my school uniform on, and pack some clothes in my bag so mum doesn't get suspicious.

"hey bro, I know you're skipping school"

"hey-wait what? How?" I panic

"don't worry, I won't tell" Dylan laughs, (Dylan is my idiot older brother)

"what's the catch?" I question

"take me with you, I can't stand that stupid school any longer" he shivers

"uh, I'm meeting someone, I don't know if bringing you is a good idea" I say truthfully

"fine, I guess I'll tell mum then" he walks away

"fine, hurry up though" I huff

We walk into the kitchen and give mum a kiss on the cheek and leave for "school"

"so who are you meeting?" he asks

"Ed Sheeran" I reply nervously

"yeah right, but really who?" he asks sarcastically

"I'm really meeting Ed Sheeran" I laugh

"OK sure" he replies

I go into the Starbucks bathroom and change my clothes, so does Dylan

We're at a table waiting for Ed

"excuse me, would you like to enter the karaoke thing? We're obligated to ask everyone" a worker asks

"why not? I'll sing now" i get up and a flip through the book of songs

"hi, I'm Jack, I'll be singing a song by one of my idols" I get ready to sing

"you and I walk a fragile line, I have known it all this time but I never thought I'd live to see it end"
"I never thought I'd see it..." I finish the song and someone taps me on the shoulder, I turn around to see who it is



Ed and I hug each other

"WHATTHEFUCKLZ?" is heard from Dylan

"Ed, this is my older brother Dylan, Dylan, this is one of my best friends Ed Sheeran" I smile

"I can't believe you actually know him" he gasps

"you know THE GINGER JESUS" he adds

"calm down dude, I'm just a person" ed laughs

"we've been over this, you're not just a person you're Ed Sheeran, the Ed Sheeran who performs in sold out arenas, people are fangirls, or boys" I laugh

"anyway, you can sing really well" ed compliments

"thankyou, it means a lot"

"Fuck, mum found out I skipped school, she's making me go there now, I'll cover for you cause this is more important" he rushes out the door

"now we can talk about the good stuff, so, you and Taylor?" he wiggles his eyebrow

"well nothing's happened except we were on the phone and she almost called me babe again" I laugh

"you guys would be cute together" I blush

"I wish she'd go for me but she won't, she's into high profile celebrities" I sigh

"she dated people before she was famous, she hasn't always gone for celebs you know that, you have a chance, you just need to man up and take the shot" (A/N SEE WHAT I DID THERE? I TOOK A CHANCE I TOOK A SHOT YOU MIGHT THINK IM BULLETPROOF BUT IM NOT (from the song "you're not sorry" and I'm not sorry either 😂)

"I can't, what if it ruins our friendship?"

"it won't, it'll be worth it in the end, she'll be worth it in the end" he smiles

"I'll think about telling her"

"good, now let's go do something fun" he runs out and I follow him, I have no idea where were going

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