16: not a mistake

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I've been at the park for around 2 hours

Thinking about what I did

She must be so embarrassed, having that on international TV

"she probably hates me now" I mutter to myself

"I don't hate you" she sits down beside me

"I don't hate you, I never could" she starts to cry

"no, I just made you cry, no please, don't cry" I panic

"well what did you expect? You humiliated me in front of your family, you kissed me at that other park, then you tell me it's all a mistake? You expect me to just be fine after that?"

I stay silent

"that's not how I meant it Taylor, I thought you'd be humiliated because millions of people saw you kissing a guy, I thought you'd hate me, I thought you'd think it was a mistake, I wouldn't take it back, I wanted it to happen regardless. I'm sorry" I sigh

"really? You don't think it was a mistake?" she asks nervously

"of course not" I hug her

"now let's go back and have dinner, nachos OK with you?" I ask

"I live for nachos, let's go"

She takes my hand and drags me back home

"just grab my hand and don't ever drop it" I sing, we laugh, it's a joke, but I mean it

"my love, they are the hunters we are the foxes AND WE RUN" she screams the last part and we run home

"what are we having for dinner?" d 4th lab asks

"NACHOS BITCH!!" Taylor shouts

"did you just SWEAR!?" I shout in disbelief

She nods shyly

"woah, didn't expect that from little miss I write songs about guys and ruin there careers" Eleanor sneers

Taylor looks like she's about to cry. Oh no. Oh hell no.


I found her on the front porch

"Taylor, come here, I'm so sorry"

She moves over and she let's me wipe her tears

"she's right" she sniffles


"your sister, she's right, what she said is true" she cries

"no it's not, Taylor you haven't ruined anyone's careers, their already doing a good enough job of that on their own" she seems to cheer up a bit at that

"why does your sister hate me?"

Her words confuse me, actually, my sisters words confuse me too

"she-she doesn't" Taylor scoffs

"no, really, she loves you, I don't know why she's being like this" I sigh

"she loves your music, she always has merch on, I really don't know what's going on"

"OK, well, I'm gonna ask her" she says walking back in the house

"do you think that's a good idea?" I ask

"yep" is all she says

"you" she points to a crying Eleanor, I assume she's crying cause I yelled at her. "we're gonna talk whether you like it or not. I'll be in your room" she speaks firmly

Eleanor looks scared. She looks at me with a panicked expression

Eleanor's POV (wtf? Switches up POV's ;)

When Jack leaves to see if Taylor's OK, I just break down, I don't know why I said all that, I didn't mean it. I made my idol cry, I hated on my own idol, she's the reason I'm still alive, I can't believe I did this, now she hates me, and my brother hates me. I already hate myself, I didn't need this as well-

"stop day dreaming, and go to talk to her, she's waiting" Dylan urges

I walk up to my room and sure enough, Taylor's sitting on my bed

I walk in silently and sit on the bed

I can feel Taylor's gaze on me

"I just" she pauses "I just wanna know why one of my fans would say that to me" she sighs

"I'm not your fan, I don't like you"

Why did I just say that

"oh" she sighs "so your brother lied to me?" she gasps and looks as if she's gonna burst into tears at any second

"no! He didn't lie, I'm a really big fan, I'm so sorry" I apologize. I keep my gaze on my fidgeting hands

"OK, so we've established that, now tell me why you said that, because a true fan wouldn't say those things unless they had a good reason"

"i-i I cant tell you" I stutter

"you can't? Or you won't?" she raises and eyebrow

"stop it, stop it, you have no idea what you're asking, I'm going trough so much right now, dad kicked me out, then he died, I have a twin I didn't know about, my.. the person I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with cheated on me, there's so much pressure from school, and the bullying is relentless" I start to cry again

"OK, I'm so sorry about all of that but if you remember, I was bullied, I had no friends, I've dated cheaters, my parents got divorced, and I had pressure from school too, we're not that different Eleanor, but it still doesn't explain why you said that" I can tell she wants me to tell her, but I don't know how

"well, here goes, the person I was dating, her name is Arzaylea (a/n Luke from 5 seconds of summer's ex gf is playing herself, cause she is a bitch sorry not sorry 😂), we dated for 3 years, I never thought she'd do that, I-I, you've always been there for me, even without knowing it, I, I'm jealous of my brother" I wipe away my tears

Taylor seems confused

"what? I don't understand" she furrows her eyebrows

"I'm jealous of him because he's got you" as soon as the words leave my mouth I regret it immediately. A look of realisation washes over her face

"wait, you like me?" she laughs


"are you serious right now? You're laughing at me because i just told you I have feelings for you? This isn't 6 grade anymore. I can't believe you'd laugh at me"

"hey, that's not why I was laughing, I'm laughing because you think you have to be jealous of him, he's my friend and so are you, you both have me, Eleanor, I would never laugh at anyone because they're LGBT+ or different in anyway or because of who you love, it's a natural feeling, never be ashamed of that okay? I need you to promise me that one day when you find the right girl, you'll love her and not be ashamed of it, love her as much as you can,  because I love all my fans, friends and family as much as I can, I don't want to regret not loving, I'd rather regret loving the people that screwed me over than the ones who are different and have been there for me" she hugs me with tears in her eyes. I have tears in mine too

"I promise" we link pinkies and shake them

"one day, when you're ready, I'll help you tell everyone if you'd like" she offers

"I'd love that" I smile

"I forgive you" she smiles back

"let's go back downstairs and eat these nachos" she says as she drags me down the stairs.

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