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(Ft. Taehyungie's stigma)


Kim Tae Hyung passes by. "PEACH!" Yelled Tae Hyung "WHERES JIN?!"

"WHY IN THE NAME OF NAMJOON DID YOU YELL MY NICKNAME" I shouted "Oh and SeokJinnie Oppa is with Yoongi Oppa right now."

Kim Tae Hyung gave me an 'Oh.' look as he walks away.


Oh my gosh Jungkook.

He's wearing a Bunny hoodie wtf:

He's wearing a Bunny hoodie wtf:

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Btw I am wearing this:

Ikr,skin showing stuff

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Ikr,skin showing stuff...


History class is starting,while I walk there. Yoongi oppa walks to me.

"Can I walk with you?" Yoongi Oppa asks "Momo?"

"Of course" I said "C'mon!"

As we ran to the classroom

Then... The whistle blows.

Jeongyeon the C.A.T officer...

Oh no

"Why are you two running?" She asks "You are not supposed to run in the halls,it's for your safety and for your good."

She is spot on.

Me and Yoongi give her an apologetic look.

She nods as she walks away.

Later sunset...

"What could you wish for,for your upcoming birthday?" Yoongi Oppa said

"I wish.." I said "I could go to a paradise and see the sunset really clearly and watch the moon rise"

I could see Yoongi Oppa staring at me.

"You really are beautiful." He said to me "your brother was right,he'd always say 'my sister is really pretty','she is really nice,you should meet her soon' and 'you and my sister match,no kidding'"

Is this really real?!

Jin never talks about me,unless my ugly side...

"Really?" I said "he never talks about me,at all.."

Yoongi Oppa looks at me.

"Momo.." he said "no matter any bad thing a person says about you,I'd always know,you are the most nicest,most beautiful,and wise woman I had ever met."

What.. is he doing?

"Princess..."he said "I love you."

How could I not blush at this part of my life!

Of course my cheeks became as red as tomatoes...

How could he say that?!

I can't believe he loves me all this time!?


"Annyeonghaseyo" I said lazily "good morning SeokJinnie."

"Annyeonghaseyo Momo." He said "how's your sunset date with Yoongi?"

"Uhh.." I said nervously "I don't know.. Sunset date? Maybe you dreamt of that."

"Uhuh." Said SeokJinnie with a smirk "okay. Let's eat breakfast now."

"Araseo" I said politely "let's eat."

"Her jokball" he said "finish your food,araseo?"

I nodded as we eat..

I hope we won't be late for school.


"Jin" yelled Tae Hyung "come here."

I think he whispered Jin about yesterday when I shouted at him...

Oh no.

A/N time!:

Total words:


It took me forever.....


Thank you for reading

I hope you appreciate my work.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.


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