CHAPTER 12 (SHORT sorry..)

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(Ft. Vocal line's Lost)
"HEY!" Said some balck haired dude (Jinyoung-GOT7) "B.I GIVE THAT BACK!"

Is that a diary?

"Heh." Said Yoongi oppa "The old Jinyoung I know."



"Wheres Mark?" Asked Seokjinnie "Oh,there he is! He's with Yeri and Yugyeom."

"Yeri?" I asked "Red Velvet?"

"Yeh." Said Taehyungie

"You not mad?" I asked

"Mad? No." Said 김태형

"You're actually serious!?" I yelled as Taehyung nods

"Oh ma lord THANK YOU!" I yelled at his face as Yoongi laughs to death.


Super short so sorry!

Anyways.. Thank you so much for reading this chapter!


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