Chapter Twenty-Eight - Homecoming Preparation

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EMMA GOT TO WORK INSTANTLY, sitting me down and expanding her makeup equipment on Jen's desk. She moved fast, enthusiastically.

"I love doing makeup on your face," she shared while powdering my cheeks with blush.

"It's because she's the one that needs it the most," Sam joked.

Emma tsked while holding my chin. "Don't laugh. It makes you move."

I groaned but stayed put while the other girls worked on themselves. Jen put on her music playlist and took out snacks. We had plenty of time to enjoy ourselves while getting ready. Downstairs, Spartacus barked a couple of times, and I heard the parents chattering.

I wondered what Adam was doing. Did he have to get ready so early, or did he need less time? Suddenly, I felt jittery at the thought of actually going to Homecoming with him. I was so preoccupied with everything that I never gave it much introspection. How would it go? What would we talk about? Our conversations were never forced before. I didn't know how to dance. Was he also nervous? 

Why had I been so confident about this earlier? 

"Riles, whatever it is you're thinking about, stop it. You're ruining my work," Emma chided, grabbing the lipstick to reapply.

"How am I supposed to behave at Homecoming?" 

Sam's eyebrow arched as she considered me. "What's that supposed to mean? Just act human."

I laughed again.

Emma shot her a glare. "Stop making her laugh! You're going to make her look like a demented Barbie doll!"

Jen sat on her bed, waving a curling iron around her head. "Are you worried about your date with my brother, by any chance?" Her smile looked wicked.

"Kind of. I like him, but we don't know each other so well and all..."

She gave me the driest look I've ever seen on a person. "You mean, after hours of nonstop texting until three in the morning and having chemistry together—literally and figuratively, you don't know each other at least a little to have an idea where this is going?"

"You got me there."

"Riley, just relax," she told me optimistically. "You're going to be fine. My brother really appreciates you. Same goes for you, I'm sure you like him more than you're willing to admit to yourself. You two go really well together."

Emma moved onto my hair, listening to every word. She began braiding a quarter of my hair. I didn't know what to say to that, so I simply thanked her for putting my nerves at ease.

"Besides," Sam interjected while plucking at her brow. "Pretty much everyone at school can see it coming. They just know you guys have a thing. They're not sure because they've seen you around with Luc, though. It's all over the blog chat."

Annoyance drew a wince on my features, exasperating Emma. I was getting really tired of this school being invested in my personal life.

"I hope you three know at least the truth. Luc has the emotional spectrum of a metal teaspoon so there's no way that's happening."

Emma choked on a giggle and moved on to braiding another section. "Well, that's one way to put it."

I wondered how Emma managed to endure Luc when they used to be 'closer'. I'd known him for a little over a month and I'd already sell him to Satan if I could. Or push him off a cliff. He'd probably survive that, though.

Finally, the dreaded time had come to try on the dress. Emma handed it over to me almost ceremoniously, with much caution, and instructed me to go to the bathroom. Sam and Jen had no problem changing in front of us, but I excused myself as being very shy, when in fact I didn't want to expose my scar.

Speaking of the scar, there was a note over the plastic cover-up. It said: There's a golden bracelet large enough and thick enough for you to place over the sensitive area and it won't look weird. Don't ever say I don't think about the details!

She drew a little heart at the end, and I put the note down gently. I wished I could hug Emma right now. 

Closing my eyes, I carefully put on the dress and the heels, fumbling along the way, and blindly shuffled to the door. The soft, light fabric of the skirt ruffled around my legs. She didn't want me to peek at the dress as long as I didn't stand in front of the mirror in Jen's room. The moment Emma guided me to it, a silence fell in the room, making me worried.

"Aaaand... open!"

I did and let out a surprised yelp. The dress was... perfect. 

The hem was elegantly cut just above my toes to avoid me tripping over it. The neckline was unchanged, but Emma sewed tiny crystals on the top, which hugged my bust tighter. She's taken my measurements prior to altering. Some lace had been added in select areas as a finishing touch.

My hair, due to the braids and the heat of the iron, billowed in waves and my makeup was not too dramatic. The dress and the strappy heels did all the dazzling on their own, the rest only complimented it. 

"Verdict?" Emma squealed, unable to contain herself, with Jen and Sam grinning from ear to ear in the background. "What do you think?"

"I think you're a force of nature," I whispered, eyes wide.

The person in the reflection was too pretty and well done to be me. It wasn't an excess of anything. Everything was well thought out and balanced. Emma's skills were mind-blowing.

"You're welcome," she said, over the moon that I loved it.

I pulled her in for a crushing hug, wrapping my arms around her narrow shoulders. "Thank you, I mean it. I have no words to describe how impressed I am."

She laughed, then slapped at my arms. "Cool, cool. But you need to let me go before you ruin both of our makeup. I'll scream if I have to start over."

I let her be and joined Jen on the bed. Meanwhile, Sam took care of Emma's hair, rapidly twisting it into a fancy updo. Makeup flawless as always, all she had to do was slip into her flowy, light pink dress and she was set for the night. I Facetimed my Dad to show him the result and he wouldn't disconnect until I passed him Emma. He praised her until her cheeks matched her dress. He then greeted the girls and told us to have fun before hanging up.

Jen's parents called us down as the boys were ready and waiting. It was time, and my heart and mind began overreacting again.

I took my worn leather jacket that I was allowed in case I got cold. I kept it around my arm under the pressure of Emma's knowing stare. If I could have, I would have simply thrown it over my shoulders. I went down the stairs last, after the girls found their date, and my gaze found Adam's. 

He appeared so transfixed, I'd never seen him that stunned. His suit fit him perfectly, his broad shoulders lightly stretching the pads and the fabric. He'd freshened up his haircut to make it neater. I'm glad he didn't put any gel. The way it naturally sat brought out the softness of his features that I liked.

I nearly stumbled over the last staircase due to the intensity of his stare, and suddenly he felt for his chest pocket, blinking a few times.

He gave a sheepish smirk when his friends snickered and coughed loudly. He pulled out one of those little flowers boys gave to their prom dates and closed the distance between us. Thank God, because I don't think I could have done the rest by myself. 

He kindly took my hand and wrapped it around my wrist.

"Riley, wow... You're so beautiful. Not that you're not beautiful every day, because you are, but..."

He didn't finish, but an unknown, girly part of me surfaced and sang on the inside.

"You also look great." I beamed. "And thank you. It's Emma's work, as always."

He leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "This new model seems to make a lot of difference to me."

Okay, maybe I liked him more than I wanted to admit.

We huddled all together to snap photos, then separately, then only girls and only boys... It was tedious and time-consuming, but it was funny to see the parents proud and eager to capture the moment.

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