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Kevin Beville ^ ^ ^

Jo marched up to a cell that had '501' drilled to it. The lady in the lab coat, I assumed was of some sort of doctor, was trying to calm down whoever was in there.

"Easy now Kevin, put the lighter down, come on, we're not going to do anything to you"


I felt everyone tense except Jo. The short officer slowly whispered to Jo, 

"He attempted suicide at 6AM" 

Jo grunted and the officers turned to him. 

"Gentlemen, I expect you to take care of this, and for God's sake Kevin tidy up your cell."

The officers were confused but as Jo turned to leave, the guy dropped the lighter and sat down on his bed. I heard a few sighs of relief. No wonder people respect Jo, he knows how to hit the target while looking away.

The guards started to split up and my curiosity got the better of me so I tip-toed to the side of the cell. The lady was still talking to this guy, treating him like a five year old. 

"It's okay. Its natural to get upset, but I'm your f-r-i-e-n-d" 

Her head turned to me and she seemed a little startled and said,

"Oh Goodness, and who are you?" a note of irritation hanging in her words. 

She looked around, maybe to make sure I didn't break inn or something. I smiled and stuck out my hand,

"Kate Raudette, nice to meet you."

 Her eyes became round like the size of saucers and she stood up straightening her lab coat.  

"Oh Miss, a pleasure to meet you, VJC's psychologist, Laura" she smiled warmly. 

I laughed, "Miss? We're in the 21st century, just call me Kate." 

She hastily refused in disapproval "No,no that is going over board." I just shrugged.

An alarm on her phone went off, " Well that's my lunch break, bye sweetie." 

My eyes moved from Laura leaving to the cell behind me. Two icy blue eyes caught my gaze and a pained expression flashed through the person's face. He had a towel draped over his head, and was trying his best to avoid something. Something I couldn't pick up until I spun around to see a camera crew hustling in. My eyebrows furrowed and I looked around to see if anyone was stopping them. An annoying interviewer hurried over, adjusting her hair and clothes. The room went awfully quit and the short officer from before appeared with his hair neatly combed and a name tag that read 'D.Weasly'. I stood there awkwardly not sure whether I should move, but I sensed someone shift behind me, and the guy in the cell was backing up against the wall, trying to cover his face with what remained of the towel.

The interviewer's voice filled the room,

"Officer Weasly, it was reported that internee Kevin Beville attempted suicide at 6AM. Please fill us in on the details."

 Weasly was enjoying the spotlight, and the more he spoke the more tense the person in the cell became. My brain gave a few sparks, as my eyes trailed the camera cables. I mentally groaned as I knew that my ego was bigger than my priorities. It's at moments like these that people find me weird, because I make the most unpredictable moves at the most unpredictable times. I whispered to myself, 'Sorry Jo' and yanked the cables off.

Everyone went silent, and the interviewer turned to me holding the cables. I made no attempt to hide it, rather I stood my ground and waited for her to approach me. She stormed up to me with Weasly by her side, and the height difference was hilarious but I had to stifle a laugh considering the current situation. She puffed in my face, 

"What on earth are you doing?"

Wow, she looks scarier up close, my confidence wavered but I took a deep breath, 

"Excuse me, but I don't think you should be taking videos of him"

She scoffed at my response, 

"And why not? Will you do my job for me then?"

I pictured myself banging my head on the wall, damn it Kate, lame, that was so lame! I scanned my brain for anything we learned in law back at school....'click'. A witty grin crept up my face and I looked at her straight in the eye, 

"Article 39, in the law of VJC code book. No content is allowed to be taken nor released without the consent of the internee's gaurdian or the internee himself." 

She looked at me in utter shock and turned to Weasly, he looked at me and winced  "It's true"

The now desperate diva whipped out her iphone and furiously typed away with her manicured nails. I stole a glance at Kevin, whose name I was quite familiar with now, and found him staring at me in shock and disbelief, with his mouth hanging open. I gave him a thumbs up and mimed closing my mouth shut, and for a second my heart skipped a beat, because he flashed me a million dollar smile while tugging the towel off. I slightly gaped, God he was drop dead gorgeous. 

I quickly turned away, and to my pleasure the camera crew and diva bitch were storming out. I turned my attention to Weasly who was fumbling with his keys, and I have to admit, he looked like a little kid caught stealing candy. I walked over to him and he opened his mouth to plead but I saved him the oxygen and said, 

"Don't worry, I won't tell your boss, I promise." 

His ears burned red but he thanked me and scurried off. I looked around the room feeling a little deflated and spotted a red sofa. I sunk into it, loosing myself in a trail of thoughts. Something I usually do when I pull off a shitty superhero move like this.

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