rules & form

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I. This account is meant to help.           No rudeness or hate will be allowed,
you will be blocked and muted if you promote hate.         #spreadpositivity

II. Please be active and engaged, we need your help to spread this around.

III. When you respond to a message please state your name at the end.
It helps keep everything neat and organized.                                (Ex: -sofia)

IV. If you plan on changing anything on the account please notify the rest
of the team first.        That way we can keep everything nice and organized.

V. The password is your favorite It cast member.     If you haven't seen It!
Just place whoever is your favorite actor,                           this is important.

VI. Don't    share    the    password    for this  account    to anybody.
We can't have random people logging in...                      it would be weird.

                      it would be weird

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i. name
ii. nickname
iii. age range
iv. how committed are you?
v. why is this important to you?
vi. will you be active?
vii. password

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