Family Day

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Olivia raised a brow when she saw the blonde haired female detective walk into her office, she knew exactly why she was here but didn't think she'd have the balls to actually come in and ask her.

She could see the young detective was a bit uneasy so she broke the silence between them, hoping that some of Amanda's nervousness would dissipate "can I help you detective Rollins?"

She shrugged "It's not all that important... but..."

Olivia narrowed her eyes at the detective knowing that Amanda would prolong saying what was actually on her mind "what did they put you up to?"

She chuckled at how well their superior knew her squad "well we were wondering... are you pregnant?"

She could feel her cheeks instantly flush at the question, she looked down to hide the obvious blush from her detective. They didn't know that she was seeing someone and she planned on keeping it that way, but that plan was ruined six months ago.

Her baggy clothes were no longer hiding her huge baby bump or the weight gain in the rest of her body, it was obvious to all that their superior was well on her way to becoming a mother. The only thing that bothered her squad was that they didn't know who the father was or if he was still with her.

Olivia smiled up at the detective after a few minutes and nodded, deciding that hiding was no longer useful when the evidence of the truth was standing out under her baggy black shirt "yes I am"

Amanda cracked a surprised smile, she did not expect Olivia to admit it to her of all people "congratulations Sarge... How far are you?"

"Six months" she got up and followed Rollins into the squad room knowing that Amanda would tell them if she didn't, even though they already knew, "there's something I need to tell you all"

All the detectives turned their attention to her immediately and knew exactly what she was about to say, they were just hoping that she would offer details as to who the guy was that managed to get Badass Benson knocked up.

She let out a small breath before diving right in, "I'm sure you all know that I'm pregnant, which means I'll be on desk duty for the whole of next month and then I'll be at home. Tomorrow you'll meet your part time Sargent as I will not be here for the last two months of my pregnancy. That's all"

Fin smirked at the Sergeant "good on you Benson, looks you're finally gonna be a momma"

She couldn't stop the huge smile that began to form on her lips as she placed her hand on her bump "yes I am"

Carisi shot her a warm smile before raising a brow when Rafael Barba walked in and hugged her before pulling away and placing his hand into her bump, they wondered if there was a possibility that Barba could be the father "congrats Sarge. So who's the lucky guy?"

Everyone of them could clearly see her body tense, she gave them a sheepish smile and shrugged.

Barba looked at the detectives and chuckled "you won't believe it when you hear it"

She slapped him upside the head "shut it Barba it's not that bad"

Amanda frowned "are you gonna tell us or not?"

"Relax Georgia Peach I'm getting there.. but you guys have to promise that you won't judge me"

Amanda shrugged "spill"

She let out a breath that she hadn't even realised she was holding in "It's Trevor... Trevor Langan"

To say they were shocked was an understatement. Fin felt his jaw involuntarily dropping "When did you and Langan hook up?"

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