Chapter 2

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Zeke's Pov

I walk to the counter and rests my head on it. "I feel as if he's new, because I would recognize any hot guy like him" She had a smile on her face as she was gazing where the guy walked out off.

"I thought you have a boyfriend already Sasha?" I look at the female with a confused face as she then sits up making her slight petite figure look taller than me for a second. "I do. I just get a bit carried away when I see a guy who looks like an angel from the heavens talk to me for a split second" I giggle and ruffle her hair.

"Just control where you're drooling next time. I have to go home and get ready for tomorrow. Apparently my school is having a match with our rivals, as they found a new person to be playing who I don't know of at all"

Sasha nods. "You have to tell me all about it next time we have the same shift together. I want to know how it went" I nod after her response and gave her a hug as she returned the hug back as well before we separated and I start walking back home.

The sun was setting while walking home as the streets were not busy with cars or people.

I arrive back home and head to the kitchen as I place down the container unto the counter. I start to the wash it as I then see the spoon that the mysterious guy used to eat and blushed slightly as I remembered the cold yet relaxing yellow eyes the guy had that I would've probably just started at it forever and be mesmerized deep into the gaze.

I felt my cheeks warm up a bit before I shake my head from those thoughts. 'That's ridiculous. I wouldn't be able to talk to him or in face see him again' I release out a sigh that was in me that I never knew I held one.

Some time later I had finished washing and I was in my room in my night clothes as I had on a blue koala woonzi on and flopped unto my bed and took one of the books from the bookshelf.

I read the book for an hour or two before I yawned and closed the book. Putting it on the small drawer beside me I then snuggle my body into my covers as I allow the tiredness sweep over me, causing me to fall asleep on the silent street around my neighbourhood.

An annoying sound keeps on ringing as I flip my arm to the desk that was beside me to where I think the sound was coming from.

I opened my eyes with a groan as I couldn't fund the source on where the noise was coming from for me to realize that it was my alarm clock that was ringing. "Why did there have to be a game on a Saturday?" I mumbled softly as I got out of bed and lazily walked out of my room to the bathroom which was right next door to my room.

Upon entering inside the bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed on how my jet black hair stuck out at every direction you could possibly think of. I picked up my toothbrush and toothpaste from the side of the sink and started to brush my teeth.

Minutes passed and I had finished brushing my teeth and had a quick shower as I had emerged into my bedroom again with a towel wrapped around my small waist while my black hair was still a bit wet and some droplets of water dripped down my face.

I close my curtains before removing the towel and used it to dry my body to become nice and dry before the cold catches me. After drying my body I wear my underwear before putting on blue jeans with a white shirt that has black strips at the top. I then decided to wear a hoodie on top of it just in case it gets too cold later on in the game that I'm going to be watching.

I grab my phone and slipped it into my side pockets that are in my jeans before walking downstairs into the kitchen and made some pancakes for myself as I put some golden syrup on it for a finishing touch. "What time does the match start anyways?" I said to myself out loud before I sat down on the chair and took a bite on the pancake. While eating I take out my phone and text Eric.

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