Game Of Thrones

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Judging from the distinct lack of police officers at my door, I'll assume you've forgiven me for my terrible crimes.

Just barely, what kind of person hasn't watched Star Wars?:/

The kind that gets drunk on a school night and tells random strangers her secrets:')

The hangover you must be feeling now should be punishment enough for not watching Star Wars. :|

It's awful, I'll admit. I wish I'd watched Star Wars.

You should. Seriously. Got any other blasphemies I ought to know about?


I suddenly don't trust you.:/

I'm not sure you've recovered from the Star Wars shock, springing this on you would be terrible.

Just spit it out, Ellie. I can handle it, I'm a big boy.

OK here goes nothing. I don't follow GOT.

I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and not assume that means what I think it means.

I don't watch Game of Thrones...

You don't watch.. You don't.. Did you stop watching at some point or you've never watched??

I've never seen a single episode....

What the.. are you even human?:/

I think so....

What exactly do you watch?

I like discovery channel

This conversation is over:(

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2018 ⏰

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