Office Lover

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Scenario: While balancing your part-time job and college, you join your grandfather's company. Despite having to work with the cousin you're not very close to, you will definitely work hard and reach your dream of taking over your grandfather's CEO position.

Random Thought: Do you think if Haruka worked in an office and still act the way she does, she'll get reported for sexual harassment? I mean, I wouldn't report her.


"So what do you say, Aya?" Haruka asked the girl, her voice low and alluring.

"Well, since you asked so nicely," the brunette girl said, laughing flirtatiously. "how could I possibly refuse?"

Haruka and Ayano have always been like this, flirting and going out with each other for 'nightly activities'. Of course, for a pair that doesn't like being held down, they weren't in any official relationship. But it's kind of an unspoken rule around the office to not get in between them.

"My place. After work. I even have some nice wine that I wouldn't mind sharing with you." The blonde girl continued her flirting.

"Forget the wine, let's just fuck." Ayano bluntly stated.

Haruka didn't miss a beat however and just chuckled. "Jeez, you're not even going to let me make an atmosphere. Then again, getting right to the good part is your specialty."

Ayano grinned at the taller woman and was about to say something snarky back at her when the two were called back to their stations by another worker. Ayano huffed, upset that their time is over. "Well, I suppose I'll wait for you by your car."

"Aw, don't be sad." Haruka stood straight up. "I'll give you lots of love and pleasure tonight, so that's something to look forward to."

"Hmph, yeah, I suppose that is something."


Haruka and Ayano finally made it to the main office, only to be promptly reprimanded by their boss, Watanabe Akiyama.

"Tenō, Watanabe! You two are late! Sit down, quickly!" The older man yelled at his two workers from behind his desk.

Haruka, who was more than used to the old man yelling at her, just shrugged her shoulders and casually walked over to her seat. Ayano, on the other hand, stood there and was glaring at Akiyama.

"What is she doing here?" She asked, venom leaking from her mouth.

Haruka looked at her sex buddy in confusion. Ayano doesn't get angry, at least not so mad that her glare is enough to murder you. Haruka then turned back to her boss' desk only to finally notice the person sitting next to Akiyama's desk.

She was dressed incredibly modest. Her pencil skirt reached way past her knees and her button-up shirt didn't even show her neck. With all that plus her hair up in a tight bun and her black-rimmed glasses, she looked like a librarian.

Why would the flashy Ayano know someone like this?

"That's no way to speak, Watanabe. Now stop wasting my time and sit down." Akiyama looked at Ayano, as though challenging the woman to speak against him.

Ayano looked like she wanted to argue against her grandfather, but she swallowed her words and went to her seat.

Akiyama cleared his throat and scanned the office. "And now that everyone's here, I'll make my announcement. [Y/N], come."

"Y-yes, sir." The woman stood up from her chair and went to the man's side. She looked at everyone looking at her and stared at the ground. But she then took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and held her head up.

"This is my granddaughter, Watanabe [Y/N]. She will be joining the company effective immediately. However, she will not be a regular member. She will instead be shadowing me so that she can someday take over the company as the new CEO."

Even though the man stated all of that very matter-of-factly, commotion has sparked throughout the main office.

"What do you mean by taking over?"

"I've always thought Ayano-chan would take over the business."

"Boss, some warning beforehand would've been nice."

"It sounds like you're being biased by hiring your granddaughters!"

Amongst the disorder, Akiyama simply looked towards his granddaughter and stepped back. Taking the message, [Y/N] stepping forward.

"U-um, excuse me. I would like to say something!" [Y/N] managed to speak above the noise and got everyone's attention. "Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Watanabe [Y/N]. It's true that the boss is my grandfather, however, I promise I wasn't chosen because of that. Akiyama-san has watched my growth and has decided on training me. He also has no reservations about dropping me if I'm not up to his standards, so he's not being biased towards me. I know this is confusing for everyone here, but I truly hope to learn and absorb all I can so that I can be a perfect CEO."

[Y/N] than smiled. Seeing that smile, modest and warm and honest, made some of the workers' hearts skip a few beats.

"Succeeding my grandfather's station as CEO is my dream, so I'll definitely work hard from here on out. Um, so, if everyone could please cooperate with me and show me the way around here, I'll, um, really appreciate it. So, um, i-it's nice to meet you all! Uh, please look after me!"

[Y/N] bowed her head and stepped back. Everyone looked at her, some hesitant of the situation and some genuinely curious about her.

Haruka peeked at Ayano and saw the brunette grinding her teeth and scowling at her lap. She then looked back at [Y/N] to see her talking with her grandfather, getting critiqued on her introduction by the sounds of it.

The blonde moved her eyes back on her own computer and grinned a bit. "Hmm~, how interesting..."

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