Chapter 2

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Jakes P.O.V:

"We're here!" My mom says excitedly, clapping her hands.

I slowly open my eyes after sleeping for so long. I tiredly try to blink the sleepiness away while rubbing my eyes and let out a yawn.

Through the car window, I can see our new house. It looks big and quite grand.

My family and I used to live in Houston, Texas before we came to Richmond, Virginia. I only lived there for two years and never really liked it considering all my friends were soon to be dads or mothers. They even had a daycare attached to my high school

Yup, good times.

So, I didn't really mind when my parents came into my room with apologetic smiles to accompany their "bad" news. As soon as I heard, I packed up and before I knew it, we were on a twenty-two hour road trip to Virginia.

The reason we moved was pretty simple. My dad being a doctor, got a better position out here. But I also knew that wasn't the only reason we moved. My mom wanted my younger sister to have a better education and an innocent childhood. It was a too late to save me, but I always stayed away from the heavy smoking and drinking. I would never want my seven year old sister to look up to me in that manner.

"Looks nice, " I offer, knowing that my mom will worry if I don't comment.

For some reason she thinks I'm totally broken over this move, even though I've shown her countless times that I couldn't care less. I mean, my life was pretty average in Houston.

I look over at the seat next to me and see Haley, still sleeping. She has a small smile playing on her lips which instantly makes me smile. I lean over and swoop her up onto my lap. I wonder what she was dreaming about.

"Haley we're here!" I bounce her on my lap.

She slowly opens her lids and looks at me, then out the window, then back to me. She's too precious and I can't help but laugh. She gives me a small frown before cuddling into my arms, leaning her head on my chest. I laugh once again, open the car door and jump out, Haley in tow. My mom comes over, all smiles, and asks for Haley. After handing her to my mom I take a big gulp of the Virginian air.

The neighborhood looks big and spacious considering the houses here are huge. As I said before, my dad is a doctor. The lawns are an expanse of green and some are dotted with colorful flowers. Feeling pretty satisfied I start toward the house.

Inside is just as beautiful as the pictures my mom showed me. Large and all open. I nod looking around, appreciating my home for the next two years. I'll probably have to dorm in college.

"Jake?" I hear my mom call.

"Coming!" I say and try to find which part of the house she's in.

I see her in the study, a small cozy room with red walls.

She hears me and turns around, "You know that box in our trunk? The one that says study on it? Could you get that for me please?" I nod as she adds, "It has something I need."

Nodding again, I walk out then stop when I see a mirror that's still left hanging on the wall. I get a good look at myself and, well, l definitely don't look my best. I have slight bags under my eyes from the exhausting car ride and my black Abercrombie t-shirt sticks to me. My hair's a ruffled mess. I run my hands through the dark-brown catastrophe, trying to look a bit more humane.

Haley skips down and looks up at me with a huge smile and shining green eyes. "My room is so pretty and big!"

I see my father smiling at her, happy that he's made her happy. Haley didn't really care when we told her about the move. I'm pretty sure she was excited actually. I chuckle and lean down to give her a bear hug. She giggles and I kiss her cheek before pulling away.

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