Living In Hell

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I hate waking up. I regret it every time, it just means another day of living in hell. Yeah, there might be people in this world with much bigger problems than me but, I'm pretty sure I'm not that far off them. The best part of my day is when I'm at university, it gets me away from everything and more importantly, away from them. My parents treat me like I'm a piece of shit basically. I wasn't allowed to live on my uni campus or anything and I'm still not allowed to move from home at 20 years old. If I even step foot out of the house I'm in trouble unless it's because I'm going uni. Even then, my dad has to take me so he knows I wont be anywhere else and mum picks me up once she's finished at work.

I have no friends, never have and never will. I haven't ever been allowed any friends and won't be allowed any for as long as I live. Mum and dad told me that I'm not good enough for friends and they'll all lead me the wrong way in life, so I've just never had them. I'm not liked, not liked by anyone if I'm honest. My parents hate me which isn't a surprise because like they've told me millions of times, I'm a disappointment and a failure. Always have been, always will be.

"Adira, get up!" I heard my dad shout. "I'm up, just getting a shower," I replied jumping out of bed, quickly making it and running into the en suite with my clothes. I turned the shower on and stripped out of my pyjamas, placing them into the washing basket and hopping into the shower. I sighed in satisfaction as the warm water cascaded down my back, suddenly relaxing all my tensed muscles. Yes, it stung the scars that have been left by my parents but that didn't matter. I washed my long blonde hair and my body before shaving what I needed to then getting out. I dried off my body and cleansed my face before pulling on my skinny jeans, my black crop top and cream blazer. I walked back into my bedroom and dried off my hair before straightening it and curling the ends slightly. I grabbed my make up and applied it before covering any visible scars that could possibly be seen on my stomach. I don't like to keep myself covered constantly, it could maybe show that I'm hiding something.

I have quite a small, curvy body frame but I have been stopped by modelling agencies that have been around campus. Apparently, I have the perfect face and body for it but unfortunately, that is a lie and I'd never be allowed to do it because I'm disgusting. I guess I'm not made out for anything other than being beaten and abused.

I was about to leave my room when my dad stormed in, mum was quick to follow. "Why aren't you downstairs yet?!" He spat, grabbing my hair and yanking my head back. "I-I was j-just getting my urm, my bag," I stuttered before feeling his fist smash against my face. I cried out in pain and felt myself drop to the floor before they laughed and stormed out. "You have 5 minutes to cover that up then, I want you in the car...or else," he warned slamming the door and leaving me on the ground in pain. "What did I do? What have I done to cause this?" I whimpered to myself, hoping someone would be out there to help me.

I stood up and made my way back to the mirror to see another bruise forming, I quickly covered it then grabbed my bag and ran downstairs. "Adi, here's breakfast," mum said before kissing my head and walking to the door with me. My parents are sort of bipolar, they want me to be healthy, like well fed and stuff but at the same time, they hate me and try to act normal if someones around. As the front door was open, mum had to act like this, like she did when I was a little girl.

I got in the car and put on my seatbelt before dad started the engine? "You got everything you need?" He asked me, I nodded making him pull out of the driveway and start the journey to my uni. My uni's in London. I'm originally from Bolton but we moved here for the uni purpose. My dad was married before he met mum and has a son that I've seen a few times but he stopped coming. I think he was joining a band or something but I was never told the full details and I don't have the technology to be able to listen or find out about him. Well, I've got a phone but that has had all access to the internet taken away.

"Mum's going to pick you up later," dad told me pulling up outside the university. I nodded and kissed his cheek before hopping out and closing the door. Like I said, we need to act normal around others. I walked onto campus and went straight to my first lecture.

I was always interested in art and music at school. I was told I have amazing talents in both. I took a course at uni studying art and another studying music. I was allowed to choose both because they were only part time courses and I had art lectures one half then music the other. I chose the fashion route in art so I draw and design clothes, I've also had to make a few of my designs. My lecturer loves everything I've made so far and is trying to get me an internship somewhere. Music is also going really well, the lecturer loves listening to the songs I've written and always compliments me on my guitar playing and piano.

Mum and dad always made me do something that would make them look like good parents in the end so they're happy with the choices I've made. They also think that when I've got free periods, I work on my projects but really, I go off campus and into the city to get away from them and have some time to myself.

I was in starbucks waiting for my order, trying to see if anyone my parents knew was going to walk in. When it happens, I have to try and not be seen so they don't say anything to mum or dad. Once my order was called out, I went and grabbed it before spinning on my heels and going to walk out. Unfortunately for me, I knocked into someone and spilled my drink all over them. "Oh god, I'm so sorry, I did-" I went to apologise but was interrupted. "No, it was my fault, I should've been more careful. Here, let me buy you another drink," he offered but I slowly shook my head looking up at him. Wow, he's gorgeous. "It's fine, I have to get back to uni." I told him. "Well at least let me give you the money," he offered but I shook my head again, getting my purse out. "Oh no no no, this was my fault, I'm not accepting your money." He told me,pushing my hand away. "Really, I want you to take it. I was the one to spill so it's only fair and it looks like you'll need a new shirt so go buy one," I said placing the money in his hand and going to walk away.

"At least tell me your name?" He asked whilst leaning on a table and writing something down. "Adira, what about you?" I questioned. He looked at me then smiled. "Nathan. By the way, here's my number, text me sometime because you seem lovely and I want to get to know you more." He replied, I nodded taking his number then turning to walk away. "Oh Adira, I forgot to say but you have a beautiful name, it suits you," he told me with a wink before going to order.

I smiled to myself as I walked back to campus.

Nathan, I like that name.

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