You're so high you have to be an angel

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Song: June
Artist: Florence and the Machine
Album: High as Hope
Line: "You're so high you have to be an angel x3"

       "Well, say something" Michael said to me. I was freaking out internally. "My name is Victoria Conroy, I'm 28 years old, and I'm here for the "Agnes" role. I know how to sing too" I said. That's basically what everybody says at auditions. I walked towards him to give him my resume. He grabbed it and wrote something on it. I sat down on the chair and began reading my part. "If there is someone who loves me in this world, I would never let you know, mother. You have ruined my life for good."  I said. It was time for him to read the "mother part" and then I was supposed to begin crying. "That's it, thank you" he said. What happened? I lasted less than the previous girl. I wanted to know the reason of the short time I was there. I got ready to go "thank you Mr..." i said while being interrupted by him "Michael Lehnsherr" he said. "Thank you mr. Lehnsherr" I added, and left.

       As I was walking towards the gates, I noticed him running behind me. "Ladies, the audition has ended. We have found our new Agnes. Thank you for coming" he said. Was it true. Damn it, I was not ready to fail another audition again. I kept on walking to the gates, and I felt someone grabbed my arm. "Where are you going?" Michael asked. "I'm going home. Thanks for the chance." I said. "Don't you understand? The role is yours!" He said. I couldn't believe it. I began crying and thanking him. I hugged him, and almost kissed him. I moved away from him because he was now my boss, and I wasn't that kind of girl... I was though, but I had to keep it cool.

      I got a phone call from the agency to begin working the next day. I got the script, and began practicing. I was not concentrating at home since I had booze and drugs everywhere. I needed to leave that place ASAP. For the first time, I was walking during daylight. I saw a lot of people I had never seen. I went to the beach, and it was amazing. However, there was a voice in my head saying "you're not good enough. You will fuck this up. He will just use you and dump you" It was enough. I grabbed my hair and began shouting. Everybody looked at me and began talking behind my back. I was ready to leave, so I took my script and began running. The voice was still there.

"Wow, you ok?" Said this stranger I ran into. I looked at him so desperately. "I just... I need to go home. That's all. Sorry" I added. "Oh, no. You're not going home until you calm down. Come... let's have a seat" he said. I didn't want to go home either, so I accepted his offer. "Will you tell me what's wrong?" He asked. "Sorry, I don't know you" I said while frowning. "Sorry, I'm Michael Langdon" oh shit. His name is also Michael. What the actual fuck? "Hi Michael, I'm Toria... Victoria Conroy. Nice to meet you" I added. I was scared. I had just met a Michael, and he was now my boss. I wanted to know what was to happen with this new guy. 

He bought us two coffees, and we began talking about LA. He told me that he had moved from Australia just to see his father. He moved a week ago, and he was desperately looking for a place because he was staying at a hotel. I had a huge apartment, and I needed rent money to be honest. "Hey, I know it sounds weird, but I have an extra room in my apartment if you would like to crash there" I said. I made this cute face I used to do to the boys I hooked up with, but this was not the case. I just needed a roommate. 

      He wanted to see my apartment, so we headed to it. It was a shithole. I told him I needed to use the toilet first and that he had to wait outside. I entered and cleaned everything. I hide the needles and syringes. I also hid the alcohol bottles I had on the floor. "Come on in Michael, welcome to my place." I said. I was so ashamed. "It's actually nice" he said. Oh I knew it he hated it. "Look, I know it's not the 5 seasons, but at least it's cozy. The rent is $3000 per month. We can pay the half. and don't worry about cleaning, I will do it for the both of us." I said trying to convince him to stay. "Awesome, can I move in today?" He said. I immediately said yes. I helped him move in by arranging his room and closet. I was finally having a roommate that wasn't my drugs and alcohol. I went to the balcony to study my script. He was there preparing dinner. He was wearing his pants and his shirt. I had given him also an apron.  I was learning my lines while I got a phone call. "Toria, your phone rings" Michael Said. "Can you get it please" I asked.

"Hello, Victoria . It's Michael, we need to talk about the movie" Michael Lehnsherr Said. "Sorry, Victoria isn't here right now. Would you like to leave her a message" Michael Langdon added. "Just tell her we will meet her tomorrow at 6am. Thank you"  I entered back to the house, and Michael told me what the other Michael said. He dint know who the man was because it was an unknown caller. After cooking dinner, we sat down to eat. I was feeling so thirsty that I wanted a shot. I opened a secret counter to take out a beautiful bottle of wine I had stolen from one of my tinder matches' home. "Would you like some?" I asked him. "No, thank you. I'm sober. I went to rehab when I was 24, and that changed me." He began explaining. "What happened?" I said. I was intrigued. "I was partying with my friends, and we wanted to go to this club, so we drove to that place. I began snoring lots of things my friends gave me. I was feeling so high man, like you have no idea, and I went back home. I crashed my car into some trees, and my dad sent me to rehab. My mom couldn't take it and she left us. My dad left eventually. He came to the states for better opportunities, but I couldn't be by my self anymore" he was explaining. "Oh, when my mom died, I just couldn't be there anymore. She died 2 years ago. My dad hasn't spoken to me since then, and I think it's time for me to see him once more and tell him I'm clean." He said. I couldn't believe all the things he went trough. "Well, I don't have the words to say. But I understand what it's like getting so high you forget everything. Also, what is like to have no one next to you. I've not lost my family. It's just that they decided to leave me. Well... I left. I'm sorry Michael" I said, and stood up just to hug him. He hugged me so tight that we both cried.

           It was 12am and we were watching Netflix - but no chill - . He  asked me if he could get HBOmax for the both of us, and I didn't refuse that. He immediately bought the service.  I wanted to have HBOmax so badly but I couldn't afford it. That's why I was amazed! I mean, he had money, but was so down to earth. I prepared popcorn for the both of us, and brought a blanket to the couch. I sat down next to him, and we were cuddling. I know... it's wrong. I barely know him, but he has been so nice to me. We fell asleep in the middle of "Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire". Michael was so amazing, but not my type. He was so good to be with somebody so fucked up as me. I had totally forgotten about all of my problems just by being with Michael. Angel Michael as I would like to say.

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