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Jin had a feeling he wasn't going to be getting any sleep today.

First Yoongi called, then Jungkook stormed in their shared apartment slamming the door behind him and now Jungkook wouldn't pick up his damn phone.

Jin should hear Jungkook's phone, which Jungkook chose to ignore.

It had rang for the nth time and it had finally stopped.

Peace and quiet. Finally.

Jin finally felt himself drifting away into a dream, but it was too good to be true.

The familiar tone was blasting once again from the other room.

Jin was going to speak up, he no longer had any patience left.

"Jungkook if you don't want to answer the damn phone you can always put it on silent!" Jin croaked out.

The ringing came to a complete stop.

Jin let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in.

He shifted around in effort to get comfy again and once he did he finally got some shut eye.

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