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Please excuse any mistakes or typos I may have made.


Louis is late. He's late and he's sweaty. Why does he sweat so much? He races through the hall and turns swiftly, almost knocking into a poorly placed trash can. Hopefully his professor didn't start the lecture yet cause he can't afford to miss any notes even though it's only the second week of school. He looks down at his watch to check the time and curses under his breath. Crap, he's ten minutes late. But at least he managed to grab the last packet of pop tarts from the vending machine.

"Hey watch out—"

Louis hears a voice from behind him but can't think too much of it before he's busting into a wall. He bounces off the edge and holds in his wince as he stumbles, falling backwards into a recycling bin. "Fuck." He groans at the feeling of plastic water bottles digging into his side. He scrunches his nose and pushes up on his elbows in a poor attempt to get out of the bin.

Suddenly, a figure appears in front of him casting a dark shadow over him. Louis looks up at the tall man standing before him who looks as if he's ready to take a shit from how hard he's trying not to laugh. "Dude, are you okay?" The stranger asks while holding a hand out to Louis. He slowly grasps his hand and tries to ignore how soft it is as the man pulls him out of the bin. Louis brushes himself off and nods his head a few times as a late response, rubbing his side where the bottle was pressed against.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for the help." Louis tells him before looking down at his watch. His eyes grow at the time displayed on the small screen and he releases a loud squeak. He adjusts his bag and ignores the guy staring at him before taking off down the hall. He's so fucking late. The man blinks and watches him rush off, eyebrows raising in interest. What a weird kid.


"Why were you so late?" Liam questions while placing the small container of fries in front of Louis, who was banging his head on the table in frustration. People around him were giving him weird looks but he could care less about what they thought.

"My alarm never went off and I slept in." He groans while tilting his head up, accepting the fry that was offered to him by his friend. He chews slowly and leans back into his chair, stretching his arms out above his head. "I fell into a recycling bin." He adds on which makes Liam let out a snort.

"How am I not surprised?"

"This tall man helped me out. I didn't really get to look at him for long but from what I saw, he was good looking." Louis takes another french fry and bites off one end as Liam gives him a pointed look.

"It's not good to talk to strangers, Lou."

"Yes dad, I know." Louis shoots back as he pushes two more fries into his mouth. "Plus, I'm not a kid. I wasn't going to follow him to his white van for free ice cream. He just helped me out of the recycling bin and I left."

"Chew your food before you talk."

"Jeez, you're like my mother but worse." Louis mumbles while shoving more fries into his mouth, chewing with his mouth closed. He swallows before deciding to continue what he was saying, "But he was really, really tall Liam. Like... he has to be at least 6'4." His friend frowns as he tries to think about who could be that tall in this school.

Winmore University was a prestige college that had less than 6,000 students due to their high standards. Liam has been here for three years now and he's met almost everyone due to his status as an NSOL, new student orientation leader. And thanks to his photographic memory, he's able to remember people that stick out to him. If Louis is right about this mystery guy being extremely tall then Liam definitely would remember him.

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