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Please excuse any mistakes or typos I may have made. Please vote and comment!! It really motivates me to keep this going.


Harry sighed as he lifted his basket off the elevator, pausing when his headphone got tangled in the handle. "Astrid, hold on." He mumbles as he gently untangled the wire, pulling it away from the handle. "Okay sorry, how was your day beautiful?" He greets her while he walks to the laundry room that was down the hall of the basement.

He hears her turn over in bed, her yawn echoing in his ear. "I'm really tired, I woke up early to go to the interview for my residency at Methodist and then I had school afterwards so it was a busy day." She explains as Harry opens the door to the waiting room.

"How do you think you did with the interview?" He questions, stopping in front of the vending machine. He digs into his pockets for coins while Astrid groans on the phone.

"I stuttered a lot and I kept blanking out because I was so nervous, they're definitely not going to allow me in."

"Don't say that babe, you're gonna be an amazing nurse and any hospital will be lucky to have you." He scolds her, typing in the number for the bag of Doritos he wants. He watches it fall before picking it up through the slot, tossing it inside his hamper.

"It's such a good hospital though, Harry."

"Listen," He starts as he lifts his basket again, resuming his path. "How about I go pick you up and you can spend the night here? We can relax and talk, just watch some movies and eat our hearts out. Does that sound good?" He asks her as he pulls the door open to the laundry room.

"Oh my god." Harry breathes before Astrid can even respond, his basket dropping to the ground. He jumped back away from the water that was coming towards him, his eyes falling on the culprit. "Oh my god, of course it was you." He groans as he shakes his head at Louis' position.

The smaller man was sitting on the ground in tears, a pout on his face as he stared back at Harry. The laundry room was flooded and even more water was coming from what Harry assumes is Louis' machine. "What is it?" Astrid's voice scares Harry as he forgets he was on the phone with her.

"Blue, what did you do?" Harry exclaims as he steps into the room, shuffling towards the crying boy. Louis sniffles and holds his arms up to Harry, the taller man grabbing his hands to help him up.

"I just tried to do laundry because Liam is out with Niall and I have no clean clothes but I'm so tired from practice that I think I might have did something wrong but didn't realize it because there's so much water coming out of my machine but I don't know what I did and I'm all wet and I can't stop crying and I'm sorry!" Louis wails while rubbing at his eyes.

Harry sighs and shakes his head, using his thumb to wipe away Louis' tears. "It's okay blue, I'll help you figure this out. But you need to go get the custodian right now." He orders while gently pushing the boy towards the door. Louis sniffles again before nodding his head, giving Harry a sad look.

"I'm sorry."

"Sh, it's okay dummy. Now go." He waves him away and Louis walks out the door. Harry runs a hand through his hair as he looks around the destroyed laundry room in disbelief. He walks to the machine and turns it off, rolling his eyes when he realizes Louis was panicking too much to think about turning the machine off. He sighs in relief when the water stops gushing out.


Harry jumps at the voice and immediately presses a hand to his ear. "Oh shit, sorry babe I was so distracted." He apologized while looking back at Louis' machine.

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