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When Louis woke up it was to the sound of an alarm going off. He groans and straightens his legs out in a stretch, his toes cracking. He rolls onto his back and slowly opens his eyes, lips smacking together. The alarm was still ringing and Louis didn't know where it was coming from. He slowly pushes himself up, careful of his throbbing head. Hangovers are the exact reason why he stopped drinking.

He sighs and rubs at his eyes, picking at the eye boogies in the corners. "What the fuck?" Louis mumbles when the alarm keeps going off, dropping his hands onto his lap. He looks around the room and frowns when he sees it's not his. "Where am—" He cuts himself off in a gasp as the events of last night come crashing down on him. Holy shit, Harry kissed him!

He buries his head into his hands and lets out a loud groan. "What am I going to do?" He whines before throwing himself back down onto the bed. "What am I going to do?" He repeats softly, looking up at the ceiling. "What is he going to do?"

"Who is doing what?" Harry's voice fills the room as Louis sees the door open. "Good morning Louis, sorry about the alarm. You could've turned it off." Harry says with a chuckle as he shuffles to the bed, turning off his alarm clock.

Louis sits up carefully, his eyes studying Harry as he waits for a reaction. "I ran out to get some breakfast so it can soak up all the alcohol." He explains while handing Louis a Dunkin Donuts bag. "How are you feeling? You look like shit." He points out with a chuckle, placing a hand on Louis' cheek as he tries to examine his face.

"Yeah..." Louis whispers, his eyes swirling with confusion. "Yeah I feel like shit, hangovers are the worst." He says slowly, opening the bag to his food as Harry takes a seat at his desk. Was Harry ignoring the fact that they kissed? "Last night was fun, huh?" Louis asks to try and get a reaction from him.

Harry looks up as he bites into his sandwich, eyebrows furrowed. He chews his food first and doesn't speak until he's done. "Uhm honestly, I can't remember a fucking thing. I must have been trashed because I literally don't know what happened last night." He says sheepishly with a chuckle.

Louis' eyes widen and he stares down at his own sandwich, his heart plummeting. So Harry doesn't remember the kiss? Louis doesn't know whether he should be hurt or relieved. "Oh, you don't remember anything at all?" He asks while clearing his throat. "What was the last thing you remember?"

Harry purses his lips as he thinks back on last night, trying to wrack his brain for the last thing. "Uhh—oh! I remember telling that guy to fuck off when we first got there. I remember you tripping on your way to the bathroom and I know we were like five drinks in at that point. And the last thing I remember is you asking me if they sold poptarts."

"That's it?" Louis asks in disbelief. He forgot the last three hours of the night before they actually went to sleep. Of course he did, it's exactly what Louis' luck would do for him. "You don't remember punching that guy?"

Harry's eyebrows shoot to his hairline and his jaw literally drops. "I punched someone!?" He almost shouts, sitting up straight. "Why did I punch a guy?" He asks in a mixture of intrigue and confusion.

"He was trying to hit on me and he yanked on my arm. It was the same guy from when we first got there. You told him not to touch me and when he tried again you punched him and broke his nose."

"Holy shit." Harry breathes as he rests his chin on his folded hands. "Wow, I honestly don't remember that. I was wondering why my knuckles looked so fucked up but I thought it was from me being stupid drunk and maybe I had hit something by accident."

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