Chapter 17

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She took a deep shaky breath in, "Okay..."



Jenna's pov

"Michael was my urm... boyfriend" I say, gasps and worried looks are shared from the little circle formed in front of me. "And that little note that he left on the wall, that was for me, he's going to find me, take me back and abuse me again! I don't want to go back!" I sobbed "Wait, what note and what's happened?" Niall asked sounding extremely worried and concerned. Zayn come up off the floor, sat next to me and was comforting me by rubbing my shoulder "On the news, there was this guy called Michael, he has escaped from prison, and has killed 2 people-" Louis said but I cut him off "Those two people were some of my closest friends" I sniffle "He also left a message written in blood on the wall saying 'I'm coming for you and your cousin!'" Louis continued "Thanks Louis" I say and he nods in response. "Oh my god, Jenna why didn't you tell any of us?" Harry asked carefully "Well, I did kind of" I said and looked towards Liam, everyone followed my gaze and Liam hung his head "Liam, why the hell didn't you tell us?!" Harry asked and Niall nodded his head in agreement "Guys it's-" I tried to say "It wasn't my place to say!" Liam raised his voice and shot a glare at Harry "Its not-" I tried to say "But this is a big deal Liam!" Niall said "Bu-" again, they carried on arguing "I didn't think something this serious would happen!" Liam shot back "But Liam-" "GUYS!" I screamed. Everything went quiet, and all attention was now on me. "Guys, it wasn't Liam's fault. I asked him to keep it a secret. I was going to tell all of you sooner, but you all keep arguing and fighting, so I didn't want to add to anything" I explain "Jenna, you need to think about what's good for you too" Louis told me as he came and sat on my other side. "Wait, did you say that h-he a... abused you?" Niall asked with teary eyes. Now that I looked closer at everyone they all had teary eyes when Niall asked that. I nodded, I couldn't answer I felt that if I did, I would brake down. "It started off alright, me and Michael in the third to last year of secondary school, we were the couple with the constant attention, the thing I hated the most, being the centre of attention. We were at his house, we had a little disagreement and he... he just s-snapped"


"Jenna babe" he called to me from the bedroom "Mhm" I replied as I cane up behind him and wrapped my arms round his neck. "I was looking at houses and apartments, you know for us to move into together" he explained casually while staring at the computer screen. "House? Apartment? Michael, we've been together for 8 months, I mean is it not enough that I come here every other day?" I ask, unwrapping my arms from his neck and taking a step back. He turned his whole body to face me "I was looking for a place so we could have more privacy, and no it's not enough, I want you here always I love you" he said "Michael I love you, but I do have friends and family too, it's kind of weird how you say it, and we have plenty of privacy, your parents are barely in the house." I explain as he now stands up from the bed "Jenna I want you with me the whole time, you are never leaving me, understand" he says through gritted teeth "What has gotten into you Michael?! I'm sorry but I have friends that I want to be with, I don't want to be stuck in a house all the while being watched over like some 5 year old!" I say as I back up against the door, grabbing the handle just incase I need to make a quick get away. "Lets get one thing straight... you do as I say, not how you please. You will be moving in with me!" He moves a couple steps towards me "What the fuck Michael! I will certainly do as I please, I will go out with my friends. You don't own me!" I yell, I thought that he might have apologised then and there, but it didn't work the way expected. He look mad as he stormed over to me. I grasped the handle hard, trying to pull at it, but it was hard to try and open it, since my hand behind my back. I yelped in pain, as he slammed my back against the door handle. "YOU WILL DO AS I SAY... GOT IT!" he screamed "Y-yes" I whimpered "I DIDN'T HER YOU!" "Yes" I raised my voice louder. He pulled me away from the door "Turn around" he said softly "What?" I asked "I SAID FUCKING TURN AROUND!" he shouted, my eyes widened and I immediately turned around. He lifted up my shirt slightly and trailed over the rising bruise. I winced as he did so. "Does it hurt?" he asked concerned "OF COURSE IT DOES, YOU SLAMMED MY BACK AGAINST THE DOOR HANDLE!" I shouted, still with my back turned to him. I gasped and cried slightly as he applied a fair amount of pressures to the sore with his thumbs. "What did you just say to me?!" he hissed harshly in my ear. "Nothing, I... I'm sorry" I whimpered. He turned me around to face him, his eyes staring deeply into mine. "I'm sorry baby... I love you, will you forgive me?" he questioned worryingly "I love you, but you really hurt me Michael" I say softly "I know, and I'm so, so sorry. Please? Forgive me?" he kisses my lips softly "I- I forgive you" I stutter "Thank you, now let's have a look at these apartments shall we?" he asked with a smile on his face as he turns back to the computer "But-" I say. As soon as the word leaves my mouth, his whole body whips around facing mine, his eyes narrowed and facial expression: pretty pissed! "Yes, I would love too!" I put on a fake smile, and try to sound as cheery as I can. He returns the smile gesture as well as kissing my forehead "Its good to know that we've settled things" he says and pulls me by my hips to sit on his knee, while he scrolls through the different options.

~Flashback over~

"Little did I know, that forgiving him was possibly one of the worst mistakes I could have made!" I finished off. The boys when I looked up, had red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. "Liam, that other time I told you, wasn't actually the first time that he had started to abuse me, that's how he would act if anyone else was around, still the same, but just a little less violent." I say "Why did you make that up as the first time?" Liam asked "Because I didn't want to worry you" I explain an look around the room "I didn't want to worry any of you". "He's coming for us isn't he?" Jade?! Everyone's heads snapped towards the doorway and there was Jade. "Yes" I just simply reply. "Why couldn't you just have left him when he first abused you" he snapped "I didn't think it would come to this, and it's not easy trying to escape, and you know that!" I shot back "I'm sorry, I just wish he never came into your life, he ruined everything" she hung her head. Throughout the small conversation me and Jade just shared, the boys heads just went back and forth as though they were watching a tennis match. I hugged each of the boys quickly before making my way over to Jade, engulfing her with a hug too. "Boys we need a talk" Liam interrupted. They all nodded in agreement and with that, disappeared down the corridor. I pulled Jades arm to come sit with me on the sofa. "Jade, what happens if he does find us?" I ask and she looks down at her lap"To be honest Jenna, I don't know... I really don't know"

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