Ch 1

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"Hey, I'm an overly antisocial geek who has no sense of style whatsoever, and not to mention a lack of action in the romance department."

Is what my older sister Macy would describe me as, which I gotta say... is pretty accurate. I've been single for all of my life. And y'know what? I'm already in my senior year of high school. Plus finding a date would especially be harder since I'm gay and so far I've only come out of the closet to Macy, so as you can see I have yet to even let even my family know.

You're also probably thinking "when's the story really gonna start?" Well that's the thing. I don't know either, but I can tell you where it begins.

In my room actually. I know, sooo shocking but hey what did you expect? I'm just another high school student who's just living his normal boring life. Speaking of school... what day is it?





My eyes shot open at lightning speed, noticing that my leg was in the air. I took a moment to wipe away the spit from my mouth and realised I was sprawled out on the floor with one leg remaining on my bed. I scrambled onto my feet just incase anyone were to come into my room to wake me, that would have been the end of me (especially if they saw me in that position). I looked at my nightstand andsaw the red numbers that was dispayed on my alarm clock. "Huh why'd it ring at 6:20? I thought I set it for 8 o'clock..." My eyes then turned to the size of plates as I read it more clearly. "ARGHHH 8:20!?"

I rushed to my drawer tripping on my pillow in the process and pulled out a simple long sleeve shirt and black jeans. I rushed to put on my shirt while simultaneously putting on pants. It didn't really work since I was just there jumping around the room trying to put my other leg through the jeans and also tripping on the same pillow yet again. I fell to the ground with a VERY loud and noticable 'thud' and a snicker following afterwards. I quickly pulled on the shirt  over my head and found my little sister Millie by the door with a wide grin on her face.

"Is the ground comfortable brother?" She faked an innocent voice. "Yes actually, you should tryit some time." I replied. "Yeah one day, but you should really be going now yknow?" "SHOOT!" I then got up to run, but ended up on the ground again since my pants weren't fully up. I got up casually, coughed and put it on properly then slowly walked to my drawer to grab a pair of socks. I then crossed the room to grab my bag and headed out the door, all while my sister watched me obviously 'trying' to hide her laugh.

"I'll give you some of my lunch money if you won't tell anyone." I bargained. "Deal! I want $5 bucks!" She exlaimed. Tsk! That was like a quarter of my allowance for the week. I reluctantly gave her the money though, cause whats the bet if I didn't she would've told all her friends.

I then looked at my watch, 8:35 it said. I booked it out the door not even bothering to say goodbye to anyone. My bus should be at the stop in 5 minutes so I ran as fast as I could and just managed to get on, on time.

Sigh. I guess you wouldn't exactly call my life boring.

Hey guys it is I the author. I know this isn't exatly a good chapter, but please bare with it until I improve on my writing skills. Also I will try to get them to be longer as time goes on and the story deepens but for now this is what you get. Surry :3

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