Ch 2

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When the bus arrived it was 8:55, if I head straight for my class which was quite far away from the front gate I could probably make it. Although I'm a student who wants to follow the rules, I doubt the teacher would be in time to be in class since my first period teacher is always at least 5 minutes late after the bell so we can get to class on time. With that thought in mind I just started walking at a normal pace admiring whatever veiw I can from this isolated place. As I walk pass the small parking lot, at the corner of my eyes I noticed a big crowd forming around what I think is some sort of vehicle. I look for maybe a few more seconds to maybe catch a look of it but to no luck so I carried on my way.

Once I did make it to class it was already 2 minutes passed the bell. "She's late....yet again...." I whispered under my breath. I lean on my palm and just stare out the window once again seeing the crowd. They were barely visible because of the awkward agle of the window, but I could see bright red paint somewhere there. I just shrugged. Probably another prank pulled by the idiots this school calls the "football team". Just as I thought of that, a pair of hands covered my eyes.

"Guess who~?" A fake female voice said. "Death, have you finally came to get me?" I joked. The hands fell from my eyes and I turned to see Anthony pouting at me. "Not funny dude." He joked. "Your face looks funny" Vic retorted. I snickered at the comment cause it was lame. "You laughin at me carrot?" Tony (aka Anthony) said. He would always call me that, it annoyed me at first and I thought he was actually insulting me though later on he assured me he wasn't trying to be mean or anything. Now I look back on it I was such an awkward and sensitive kid....okay I still am but don't judge okay?

"Hey did you see what was up in the parking lot?" Vic asked out of the blue. "Yeah carrot, did ya?" Tony joined. I just simply shook my head since I really didn't see what was there. "There was a-" Vic was cut off. "A FLASHY RED CONVERTABLE THERE WITH THIS DUDE ABOUT OUR AGE DRIVING I-!!" Tony yelped when Vic pinched his ear "Don't interrupt me when I'm speaking dammit!!!...Anyways yes carrot cake there was a student driving that car, he looked like the bad boy type~" She cooed.

"Oh...u-uh cool...I guess?" As you can tell I'm still quite awkward with people I know. These two jokers are my best friends Tony and Vic, they're cousins. We all live in a small town hidden by mountains with only about 500 to 600 residents which means there is only 190 students in this school. I know it's quite small, but It's cheap so most parents send their kids here. Those few who do have money send their kids to the neighboring town or they wouldn't have been here in the first place.

"ALRIGHT YOU IDIOTS! SIT YOUR ASSES DOWN!!!" Mrs Dell shouted. I cringed at her volume. "We have a new student today! So PLEASE for the love of God treat him kindly!" I looked towards her side to see a guy who looked really fit, with a towering height, covered with designer clothing. Not to mention he gave a 'mess with me and I'll break your spine' vibe. "Would you like to introduce yourself?" The teacher asked bored.

"I'm Andre Carson" 'Andre' introduced. "From now on I'll be in your care." As the last words rolled of his tongue he looked straight at me.

"Yeah...that's not creepy at all..." I whisper to myself.

Heya I'm back with the terribly written and short chapter for this story. Ik accurate right? Anyways please feel free to vote or give comments on how I can improve. Thank you :3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2018 ⏰

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