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One week later

My phone buzzed with a text. I wiped my tears from my ducts. God, I hate hormones


Hey Correy

I furrowed my brows together. Who the hell?


It's Mandy

What the fuck? What the fuck? How did she get my number? What do I say? What does she want? Is she back in town?



Um what's up

Mandy?: I'm back

Me: For good?

Mandy?: I don't know.

I think so

Meet me at the cafe on Franklin



I'll be there


I put on my heavy black coat and walked out the door. I didn't tell mom where I was going. No one can know where I'm going.


When I entered the cafe, I looked around the small room, searching for the familiar head of hair I missed.

"Corre!" She smiled, embracing me.

I rested my head on her lack luster chest. "I missed you so much." We spoke at the same time.

"What did you do to your hair?" She asked, picking up strands of my blue hair.

"I could ask the same thing." I joked. "And your face. I love the piercing." She smiled. "Thanks." I laughed.

"So why are you back?" I asked. "My dads getting offered parol."

Those words turned my stomach acid into antifreeze. I suddenly felt sick.

"H-he's not getting out. But he's getting chance of it. They called me. Asked if I wanted to see him."

"So you said?" I asked, my attention at full peak. "Fuck no. Why would I want to see a crazy prick like him?"

"So you're back?" I broke the silence created by her words. She nodded. "For now, at least." She smiled.

"Where you stayin?" "I have a nice apartment, but it's too far outside the city. I want to make sure you're okay."

"Look, I'll be fine. Why don't you come stay with me and my mom for a while? She loves you and wouldn't mind."

"Okay. Now tell me, how's life been?" "Ugh, good, actually." I grinned. "Your anxiety?"

"Getting better, surprisingly." I smiled, thin-lipped. "Any boys?" She asked, a smirk resting on her face.

"Actually, yes." She gasped,"who?" I put my head down and sighed. "Carl. Gallagher."

"What?" She had a look of genuine shock on her face. "I know." I laughed. "No, no. He might've become less...insane." She laughed.

"Eh, kind of. He went to jail for a little while for drugs. Then he got out of the game, got a circumsicion." I laughed as I finished that part.

"And now he's thinking of going to military school." "Really? Are we talking about the same Carl Gallagher?" She laughed.


"Where's Mickey and Matty now? Michigan city?" I shrugged. "I fell off with your family when you left."

"Tara still sober?" "Of course." I smiled.

"So this Carl things, is it serious?" I shrugged. "It's only been a month and half. But maybe. He met my mom and we had dinner a couple days ago. And he respects me. I told him how I'm a virgin, and I want to wait. He said he's okay with it."

"You're still a virgin?" She asked, shocked. "Of course. I'm a skinny girl with dyed hair and a septum piercing." I joked.

"Well does Carl like that about you?" She asked knowingly. "Yeah." I rolled my eyes and smiled.


"Mandy! I'm so glad to see you again."  My mother smiled, embracing Mandy.

I was so happy to see the only family who I felt ever loved me together again.

I walked upstairs to my room while Mandy got cozy in the guest room.

Sometimes I just feel so weird. That I'm broken. Other people have normal families. I need some consoleing.

"You busy?" Carl asks over the phone. "No." I answer back. "You wanna come over?" "Uh...sure." "You okay?"

I sighed. Do I tell the truth. "Not really." "You wanna talk about it?" "Maybe." I shrugged. "I'll be over in a few." I hung up after telling him that.


"Come 'ere." Carl ushered me to his room. No one was in there. What a rarity.

"Here." He handed me folded clothes. One piece was a pair of his boxers, the other was one of his shirts. I smiled widely. "Thank you."

I unzipped my ripped black skinny jeans and pulled them off my legs. I put on the short red plaid boxers he gave me.

Then I lifted off my shirt, exposing my bare chest to Carl. "You should really tell me when you're gonna do that." He covered his eyes. I laughed and slipped on his black Oasis shirt.

"How old is this shirt?" I laughed, seeing how it fit me very well. "Probably as old as the band." We laughed.

He climbed into bed, and I laid in front of him. Carl kissed the back of my neck and grabbed my hand.

"So what happened?" He asked, his voice muffled against my neck. "My sister. She's back in town. She said her Dad might get parol."

"Who's your sister?" "Mandy." "Milkovich?" I nodded. "Wait, you're a Milkovich?" He asked, confused and shocked.

" She was my step sister for a time. So she's still my sister." I laughed. "Oh thank god." He breathed out.

"I would kill myself." I laughed. He laughed too.


Carl's POV

"Correy, it's time wake up." I swear, our relationship consists of me waking her up.

"Hey babe." She smiled sleepily. "You want breakfast? Debbie made it." She nodded and smiled. Then leaned up and kissed me.


"Ready for school?" Fiona asked. Correy was sittin on the counter, and I was standing in between her legs.

"Sure." I shrugged. "I have to see Luther before school, why don't you go without me." Correy didn't look very happy about that.

"Debs is going." Fiona smiled. "Okay. I'll see ya later." She smiled, walking up stairs to find Debbie.

I watched her walk up the stairs, admiring her blue hair. "You really like her, don't you?" Fiona coaxed.

"I'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend."

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