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"You put your arms around me and I'm home."

~Christina Perri / Arms~


F R E Y A  H A D  a feeling being dropped home by Falcon every day was going to become as natural as breathing. It had only been their second day of knowing each other and yet, Freya had automatically made her way towards the familiar shiny black bike after exiting the school doors.

Yes, she broke her vow.

She got on the death trap once again.

With Falcon.

Though this time, because of Freya's threat to never let him drive her again if he didn't, Falcon had actually obeyed the road laws. Now they stood in front of her home, Falcon trapped by Freya's tiny arms as she refused to let go. Not that he minded in the least. "Freya," he sighed softly, wanting to cave in to her wishes and stay with her as much as he knew he couldn't. "I have to go, I have work."

Freya whined, pushing her face further into his hard chest. She had become embarrassingly attached to the man over the short period of time they had known each other. She couldn't help it; her naive and childish heart accepted people easily and Falcon had managed to weasel his way into every crevice.

"Freya," he let out a chuckle, dropping his forehead onto the top of her head. "I have to go, baby. I'm gonna be late."

Freya pouted but reluctantly let her arms drop from around his waist. Falcon smiled softly at the small girl, cradling her head in his hands as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow," Falcon tried to catch Freya's gaze but she kept it firmly fixed on the ground.

She made a noise somewhere between a grunt and a whine in response, continuing to pout as Falcon stood there helplessly. "Come on, don't be like that Freya," he said. "If I could stay with you, I would, but I really have to go."

Freya sighed, nodding dejectedly. She understood, but she still wasn't happy. A small smile crept onto Falcon's face as he opened his arms. "One last hug?" he asked.

Freya didn't hesitate to latch herself onto the man, squeezing him as hard as she could; which wasn't very tight at all, but she tried. Knowing he was already going to be late to work at this rate, Freya broke free from the embrace and raced up the driveway to her front door. She grabbed her key from her pocket - expecting the door to be locked - but was pleasantly surprised when the handle turned by itself; the door swinging open to reveal her father.

She flung her arms around his neck, snuggling into him as she squealed. "Daddy!" she grinned up at him. "Why are you home so early?"

Her father protectively wrapped both arms around her, his steely gaze set on someone else as he remained quiet. Freya looked behind her to see what he was glaring at, only to see Falcon revving his bike and driving down the street. She bounced on her feet, her grin unfailing as she looked back at her father.

"That was Falcon, daddy," she giggled. "He's really nice and he-"

"I don't want you hanging around him anymore, Freya," Her father's voice interrupted her as he moved his eyes to meet hers.

Freya's face fell instantly, her lips forming a pout. "But why?" she whined. "I really like him and he gives really good hugs and-"

"No," her father's voice was harsh enough to have her cringing away from him. "I said no, Freya."

Freya's bottom lip trembled as tears pricked her eyes. She pushed past him, running up to her room where she locked the door and threw herself onto her bed. She grabbed her stuffed bunny, cuddling it close to her chest as she whimpered. Her father had never spoken to her like that before and the shock of it was enough to reduce her to a blubbering mess.

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