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After 3 weeks

@jinnie: but you
are already

@youhaha: well,
maybe a little.


Looking at our last conversation, i did miss Jinnie but my pride always gets the best of me. I stared at it but didn't text him, how stupid can i get?

@youhaha: SEOLLIE

@youhaha: SEOLLIEEEEEE!!!!

@youhaha: i hope that
the plans are
not changed

@youhaha: i'm getting
ready to come
over now

@youhaha: yah !!! tell me

@youhaha: u busy or what?

@youhaha: -.-

@youhaha: okay i'm

Locking my phone screen, I turned to my wardrobe to fetch out some clean pjs to go over to Seollie's for a movie night.

I sweared that i won't ever dress-up while i'm going to Seollie's because it's useless. Locked up in her room like fiona and it's like my home too now.

So picking up my favorite pajamas, a banana printed one, i took my pillow and went out of the house.

After walking ahead a few blocks, everyone was staring at me and i questioned their stares but realized i was in my pajamas and was carrying around a pillow in bROAD daylight. Why did i even take a pillow with me? It's not even a sleepover. So much about not going out in public without proper clothes eh, Yuha?

If i was Rinji, I'd probably make fun of me too.

I quickly tried to hide the big pillow as much as possible knowing that it was too big to remain hidden. And i was too far away from home to run back in so i just bent my head as low as possible and ran to Seollie's.

ding dong.

I rang the bell and Aunt Kim's face showed up. As soon as she saw me, she scanned her eyes looking at me in a up and down motion. I suddenly grew conscious. "Erm, aunty, i-is something wrong?"

"No, nothing, not at all, come on in, Seollie's upstairs." Aunty quickly shook her head and headed back inside.

As soon as i stepped inside the house, I instantly knew why Aunty was looking at me that way, well, well, here goes another event to my embarrassing even list.

Inside, sitting around the dining table was a family with their son, the last person i wanted to see me in my pjs.

Hwang Hyunjin.


I quickly ran over upstairs knowing so well that i look like a headless chicken when i run, and knowing that Hyunjin's eyes were following my every move.

Panting as i got inside Seollie's room, I saw her staring at her ceiling while lying on her footmat. What a weird girl.

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