Chapter 1

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"What?!" I was in shock when my girlfriend Lori Robins said she was moving three thousand miles away to Florida.

"Ray, don't worry."

"I'm not worried but I don't want you to leave. We've been dating for four years and I don't want to loose you. When are you leaving?"


"When is soon?" I was not happy.

"A couple of weeks." Lori was sorry

"Weeks?! How long did you know?"

"About a month." Lori looked down and broke eye contact.

"A month? And you kept it from me?"

" I was waiting for the right time." I saw her start to tear up.

"Hey, hey sweetie. Don't worry." I lifted her chin and wiped her tear away. Then I leaned down and kissed her cheek.  "We can make it work."


"Of course I do." I pushed her long black hair of her shoulder.

"What about prom? It's after I leave."

"We'll figure that out to. Now let's just get to class. Love you."

"I love you too."

I kissed Lori and walked to my Forensics class. It was my least favorite class to take but since my dad does forensics he made me take it. But hey, I think what the hell. It's an easy class and it might actually help me somehwere in life. I walked into class as the bell rang and sat down. Apparently there was a new girl in my class. When I looked over, she smiled at me. She had short blonde hair and light blue eyes. Yeah,  I smiled back but I didn't think anything of it. I was just trying to be nice. Fornsics was my last class of the day so when the bell rang, I tried to leave to catch up with Lori to walk home but the new girl stopped me. "Hey, I'm Patty."

"Hey. I'm Ray. Is this your first day?"

"Yeah. It' a big school."

"Yeah it is."

"So what are you doing right now? I was wondring if you would show me around town or something."

"I actually have to go meet up with my girlfriend Lori. But maybe another time."

"Oh, okay."

"See you around?"


I left the class quickly and met Lori at her locker like we did everyday after school. We kissed hello and I walked her home. We live in San Fransico so it's a bit of a long walk. Once we got there, I went inside with her to hang out for alittle while. I said hi to her parents and we went up to her room. I sat on her bed and she rested on my stomach. My figers ran through her soft hair and I looked into her beautiful light blue eyes. "I still can't believe your leaving. I'm going to miss you so much."

"I'm going to miss you like crazy. I don't want to leave."

"I don't want you to go either." I pushed her bangs back and kissed her forehead.

"At least we still have some time left together. Let's make the most of it."

"Definatley. I want to spend as much time with you as I can."

"Same here." She sat up and layed down next to me

"So then what do you want to do?" I leaned over and kisssed her neck. It always mad her smile. I love that smile and man am I going to miss it.

"Just stay here in your arms."

"Works for me."I leaned back and closed my eyes. Lori fell asleep on my shoulder so I pulled a blanket over us and that's when I fell asleep as well. At five thirty, my phone vibrated and it was a text from my mom saying she wanted me home. I gently stood up and kisssed the top of Lori's head. It woke her up. "I didn't mean to wake you. My mom texted me, she want's me home. I'll see you tomorrow in school. Love ou. Bye."

"Bye." She pulled down my neck and kissed me. When I walked out, I closed the door behind me and she went back to sleep. She must have been really tired.   

When I got home, my mom had dinner ready. We all sat down and ate dinner. Then I told them about Lori and that she's moving.They were surprised and upset. Lori was a great girl and they love her as much as I do. None of us want her to move but we can't stop it. It's inevitable. After dinner, I helped cean up then went upstairs to do my homework. It was a long day so I was exhausted. Right after i finished my hours of homework I crashed. At like eleven thirty at night though my phone went off. I thought it was just Lori to say goodnight but it was that girl Patty who's in my forensics class. She said "hey what are you doing tomorrow". I didn't respnd but I was curious on how she got my number...

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