Chapter 3

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"What are you doing here?" I was surprised I didn't know what to say.

"I'm who the party is for."

"Wait, how do you two know eahothr?" My uncle was very confused as well.

"We go to the same school." I answered. "I still don't understand how you know my uncle."

"My dad worked with your mom until he moved to Chicago where he met my mom. He knows your uncle because your mom introduced him and thy bcam close friends."

"How come you didn't tell me that you knew my uncle?" I was getting a little angry but I waned to know.

"You didn't ask"

"It's normally not the first question I ask someone when I first meet them." Anger coursed through my veins and I turned around and walked away. 'Why didn't anyone tell me? I have a right to know.' I walked out of the house and tuned the corner. I just wanted to clear my head. I had no idea where I was headed. My uncle just moved to a new town and I knew my way around the old one, but not here. It's completeely diffferent. More urban. Soon, I found a park and I sat on th bench. Five minutes later, I saw someone coming. It was Patty.

"What happened back there?"

"I don't know. I'm just stressed. With midterms, my girlfriend moving three thousand miles away, my family keeping this from me. You know. The usual."

"Sounds like a handful." she walked over and sat down next to me.

"Well that's the story of my life. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I couldn't. My parents made me kep it a secret. They wanted to surprise you."

"Some surprise..." I rolled my eyes at her.

"C'mon. Let's get back to the party." She stood upand grabbed my arm. "It'll but fun. Please? It'll help you get your mind off everything."

"I don't know."

"At least try."

"Fine." I sighed.

We walked back to the party togther and she was right. It did help me get my mind off of Lori and everything. That is, until she brought up Dylan.

"Tell me about Dylan."

"He's a major football jock. The school's star varsity quaterback actually."

"I bet he has alot of girls drooling over him then, huh?"

"Actually, no. They go more for Shane. He's the big baseball player. It's what our shool is known for, you know. But don't get me wrong, Dylan is a great guy. He's funny, caring, nice, sensitive and smart."

"Don't forget good looking."

"Uh yeah that to." Awkward I thought. "You two would be good together. I'll talk to him for you if you want."

"Or you could just give me his number." She smiled.

"I could do that."  I searched through my phone until I found Dylan's number. Then I showed Patty and she put it in her phone and sent him a text saying, 'Hey it's Patty'. That started a major sonversation between them two and I knew Dylan was grateful because he tected me saying, 'thanks bro. I appreciate it'. now thanks to me, Dylan and Patty have a date for tomorrow night.

After hours of talking, my mom and dad dcided it was time to go home. The time was eleven thirty and w were exhausted. Only thing was, both of my parents had a little to much to drink that night, so I had to drive home. My dad is a drunk and my mom is a workaholic so they both got drunk that night. My dad because, well, it'swhat he does and my mom because it 'helps her relieve her stress from work'. How cleche. As if that works. Me on the other hand, I'm a good guy. I don't drink and I don't smoke. Someone has to be able to take care of my family. I'm already taking care of myself, what's two more people?

Once we got home, I dragged my parents inside and looked at my phone. I had a text from Lori. "I'm all alone tonight. Come here and be with me." I texted her back, "be there soon honey", and left. My parents were out cold and wouldn't notice or care.

It only took about two minutes to get to Lori's house and when I did, she was waiting for me. "I'm here all alone in this big house and I don't have anyone to cuddle with tonight." she said opening the door. I knew what she wanted to do as soon as I saw her, seing as how she was only in her robe with her bra and thong underneath. "Well don't just stand there. Come in." Lori pulled me in her house and wrapped her arms around me. She kissed me so passtionatley, and closed the door behind me. this wasn't our first time but if her parents ever found out, we would be dead.

We ran up the stairs and pushed open her door. I took off my shirt and pulled her on the bed ontop of me. I slipped off her robe and she unzipped my pants, pulling them off of me. Her hands ran down my chest and onto my back. Then she guided mine up her back onto the back of her bra. I unclipped it and pulled the covers over us. My lips went down her neck and onto her shoulder. Lori kissed by chest ever so lightly then my mouth found hers again. She rolled over ontop of me, pushing her tounge through my lips. With very touch, every kiss, I felt more and more passion from her. More then I ever felt. It was like fire. The two of us moved together like magic. We were one. Lori rolled over next to me, putting her head on my bare chest. i placed my arm behind her. "I love you." she whispered.

"I love you too." I kissed her. She was so beautiful. How did I get so lucky? Lori was falling asleep and I felt my eyes get heavy.

That's when we herd the door click. 

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