Niall Imagine: He Finds Your Old Tumblr Account

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“Hey, (Y/N)?” Niall’s voice called from your shared bedroom. “Yeah?” You were sitting on the couch with your headphones watching some vines on your phone. “Did you ever have a tumblr? Like before we met?” He asked walking down the stairs. You eyes got big. “Depends… Why?” You asked taking your headphones off. “I was getting tweets that my girlfriend had a pretty amazing blog. I think I might check it out.” He smirked. “NO!” You shouted. Your cheeks got red. “I mean… you wouldn’t like it. It’s just a bunch of kid stuff…” He laughed. “Because Niall Feels are so childish.” You snatched the phone from his hands. “How far did you get?!” You asked a little worried. “Let’s just say, I didn’t know you were that horny when you were seventeen.” Your cheeks burned redder than before. That was two years ago. “You’re not seeing anymore.” You stated deactivating the account. “If it makes you feel any better, there’s one story I would like to make a reality.” Niall says grabbing you by your waist. “Why don’t we begin.”


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