When I'm about to hit that bottom crash
When nothing in my life is going right
When my sky is knowing just darkness
You are my shining star
Go ahead and let everyone know
Tell them about what we've been through
How many times we fell
but somehow we got up
You can call us crazy
You can call us psycho
but you'll never know
what we're made of
Hey have you ever got big dreams as ours
Hey we migh be making history
When I'm about to hit that bottom crash
When nothing in my life is going right
When my sky is knowing just darkness
You are my shining star
Here's to the times when we
didn't think right or wrong
we just crossed our fingers
and hoped for the best
and here's to the nights
that turned into mornings
and here's to the way she believed all the time
Hey she had a broken soul
and a scratched heart
Hey and so we are
When I'm about to hit that bottom crash
When nothing in my life is going right
When my sky is knowing just darkness
You are my shining star
Here's to all the tears that turned to smiles
and here's to your heartbreaks
and stupid crushes
I won't forget and i'll never regret that
You're my shining star
When you're about to hit that bottom crash
When nothing in your life is going right
When your sky is knowing just darkness
I'll be your shining star
You're my shining star
Ps: I wrote this for a special bestie :)