Day 1

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My first kiss was

The kiss was great. The person that kissed me. Total jerk. My bully, Ace Clayton. And I'll tell you everything but we have to start from the beginning.

My name is Addison Wells. I have a bully. But I don't mind. Just as long as he does his part ( being a real jerk), I'll do mine. I have a life people see, and a life people don't. I don't live in a house with a normal family. I live in a secret room... with H.I.S.A. agents walking in and out. Why my bully bully's me... I have NO idea. Ace Jerkton dates like everyone in the school. Sometimes I catch him blank face staring at me. Not mean or anything, just staring. But when I look at him he does nothing then realizes I'm staring then starts saying I'm obsessed with him. After school it's just routine. Walk out the doors, get beat up, bully walkes away, lay on the ground extra 5 minutes, walk to the room, get fixed up, practice, eat, sleep, school, repeat. Today was different though... I got DRAGGED by my hair. But there was also something weird with Ace. While I got dragged I looked to see his face... AND HE WAS CRYING. I had no idea why.
Let's hope tomorrow I catch it on camera.

(btw picture at the top is Addison and Ace

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