Why Did I Defend Him?

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It was a normal day at the office, Officers chatting here and there, Hank was sitting at his desk, as usual, playing games on his phone not doing his work.
"Lieutenant.." Said Connor who was sitting on the opposite side of Hank's desk
"Hm?" Said, Hank,
"You should really start working instead of playing games.."
"Hey, I do whatever the heck I want whether you like it or not, Alright?!?"
Connor jumped a little while his LED was flashing yellow before turning back into blue.
"Sorry, Lieutenant. I was just trying to give you an advice"
"Well, I don't need any advice"
Hank continued playing his game while Connor continued making reports to Cyberlife about a case he found earlier.
"I'm going to head to the break room if you don't mind Lieutenant.."
"Yeah, yeah do whatever you want but stop annoying me.." Hank said without taking his eyes off his phone.
Connor got up and headed to the break room finding some officers including Gavin Reed, One of the most annoying police detectives in all of the DPD, He was sitting alone at the table, He usually talks to Tina all the time but she wasn't there for some reason.
Then he saw Gavin getting up from his seat and headed towards me.Shit.


I saw Connor standing there staring at me and then i decided i should go annoy him since Tina wasn't really there for me to annoy,She took a day off because i heard that she was running a fever and was unable to do anything.
"Hey tin-can.." I said with an evil grin on my face.
"Detective Reed,It's nice to see you again" He said.
"How is work going on with that grumpy old man,Hm? I said pointing at Hank.
"I'd say it's pretty good.." Connor said looking at Hank.
Hank noticed us talking and became suspicious,He continued to stare at us.
"Heh,Pretty good,Huh? You know what else is pretty good?"
"Uhh,No? What else is pretty good?" Connor said as he raised an eyebrow.
"Punching you in the guts!" I said while hitting him really hard in his stomach making him fall to the ground,Hank noticed what was going on and jumped out of his seat running towards us,He knelt down to put Connor's hand on his shoulder so he could be able to drag him
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!?"
Hank said with an angry voice.
"What is wrong with YOU? Why do you care about this plastic prick? He's just an android,He's not even a human!" I said.
Hank let out a groan as he made his way to his desk still dragging Connor with him.


I sat Connor down at his chair and pat his shoulder
"Connor,Are you okay??"
"Yes lieutenant,I'm perfectly fine..Thank you" Connor said with a worried expression
I took my hand off his shoulder and sat down on my seat.
"Why did you defend me back there? You know i'm just a machine.."
I went silent for a moment..
"Well...You know..It's just-I... Ugh nevermind..I don't want to talk about it.."
"It's alright,Lieutenant...Thank you again.."
Thoughts came rushing into my mind
"Why did you defend him?"
"Gavin is right,He's just a machine"
"He doesn't feel emotions"
I decided to ignore these thoughts and just go back to work..
I looked back at the clock and realized that my shift was over.."Wait,Where does Connor sleep?"
I thought to myself then decided to ask him.
"Yes Lieutenant?" He looked away from his computer to look at me..
"Where do you sleep..Or like..Stay?" I asked him..
I then realized that his LED was flashing yellow
"Oh..I..Uh...I don't really have anywhere to stay except for the DPD.."
"Wait..So you stay here alone??" I said with a shocked face.
"Are you able to sleep though?
"I don't really sleep..I just close my eyes and start charging myself.."
I felt kind of bad for  Connor..Wait..Why do i feel bad for him?? He's just an android..He doesn't feel emotions Right?..
"I guess you could stay with me? I have a spare room?"
What the hell am i doing??
"Yeah,You could stay with me if you like?"
"Thanks,Lieutenant! I'd love that!"
His sadness faded into a smile (if that makes any sense)
"Well,Our shift is over..It's time to go Come on,Connor"
"Coming Lieutenant!"

I hope you guys enjoyed my first chapter,It really sux..I know.
Thank you guys so much for reading my story!

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