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Hank and Connor had arrived home after a long day at work in the DPD, Before Hank went into his room to change he looked at Connor and studied his face, His chocolate brown eyes, His hair... "Are you alright, Lieutenant? " Hank snapped out of his thoughts as he felt his cheeks starting to heat up "Yeah, Yeah, I'm alright, Connor.." "Are you sure Lieu-" Connor was cut off by Hank.."Yeah, I told you I'm alright, and you don't have to call me 'Lieutenant' every single time you talk to me! Just call me Hank, Alright??" "Oh.. I'm really sorry, Hank I didn't mean to bother you.."
As Connor finished his sentence Hank let out a sigh.
"It's alright, Connor..I'm going to go my room to change okay? Make yourself at home.."
"Home.." Connor whispered to himself.
After a few minutes, Hank still hadn't gotten out of his room So Connor decided to do some house chores like washing the dishes, folding clothes and all that stuff...
As Connor was halfway through washing the dishes, He heard Hank's bedroom door open, He saw Hank wearing his grey hoodie with dark blue shorts

^^^Software Instability

Connor detected an error in his program so he decided to check it, When Connor checked the error he noticed that it wasn't that big of an error so Connor decided to ignore it and continue washing the dishes
"What are you doing there, Connor?"
"Oh, Nothing much, Hank, Just doing some house chores.."
"Since when did you become my mother..? Anyways, Thanks Connor "
"Hank, I'm biologically not your mother... And I-" "Connor, Stop..i was just joking.."
"-Sighs- I'm gonna grab a cold beer.."
"Hank, You shouldn't really drink alcohol"
"Okay, Connor! You are starting to annoy me. Either stop or I'll kick you out!" Connor jumped a little at Hank's
sudden reaction, Hank walked over to the fridge and grabbed a cold beer then sat on his couch to watch some Tv, Connor stayed silent after what happened between him and Hank and decided to sit down beside Hank to apologize to him for the hundredth time "I'm really sorry if I'm disturbing you, Hank, I understand if you want to kick me out"
"Nah, I'm not gonna kick you out, I'm just not used to...You know..Have anyone home with me, before..."
Hank went silent for a minute and didn't complete his sentence.
"Before what, Hank?"
"..Nevermind, Connor" Hank felt unhappy thinking about Cole, Thinking of all the good times he had with his son, They were all over, Since the accident Hank couldn't forget about Cole, And since Connor was staying with him at home he reminded him about his son...He just couldn't forget..

Hello everyone! I finally released a new chapter, It's not really that good but I still try.
WORDS: 480
Have an amazing day!

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