Would it matter?

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The next day :

Connor's POV:

I dodged the bullet as I charged towards the deviant that had recently killed its owner and his wife including their daughter called 'Samantha' who was 10 years old. I pushed the deviant down to the floor and cuffed his hands behind his back and took his gun away from him, "Jesus, Connor are you okay?? You scared the shit out of me..." "Don't worry, Lieutenant, I'm alright, Even if I wasn't...Would it matter to you?" Hank didn't say anything because he felt embarrassed and his face started turning red "L-Lets just go back to the police station, Connor" "Whatever you say, Lieutenant"
Once we both got back to the police station, I had to start questioning the deviant about its recent behavior.
The deviant was looking down at the table trying to avoid any eye contact with me...
"Why did you kill them??"
No response...
"Speak!!" my voice started getting louder each minute passed by
No response...
"If you don't speak I'm afraid I'll have to probe your memory..."
"N-No! P-P-please..." The deviant's head shot up and made eye contact with me.
"I'm going to ask again: Why did you kill them??"
"I-I don't k-know..." The deviant looked very scared so I decided to scan it.

Stress level: 56%

'I have to be careful, I can't bring its stress level up as it might self-destruct' I thought to myself.
"I need an actual answer, Why did you kill them??"
"I-i just told you! I D-Don't know..."
"You know, You just don't want to say it, Now for the last time: WHY DID YOU KILL THEM?!?!" I slammed my hands on the table making the deviant jump at my sudden outburst.

Stress level: 73%

'Whoa, Oops... I didn't mean to bring it up THAT high...'

"P-Please, I don't know a-anything..."
"Fine, You leave me no choice..."
And by that, I connected our hands together and started probing the deviant's memory.

"COME HERE YOU PLASTIC PRICK!!!" The owner started hitting the android with a baseball bat until it collapsed on the floor
"Hit it until it's dead!!" The owner's wife joined in on the action but instead grabbed a knife and started stabbing the android in his arms, but then all of a sudden the android got up and ran towards the kitchen to grab a knife and stabbed its owner and his wife, but then the android realized that Samantha wasn't in her bed sleeping but staring at him with terrified eyes so the android decided to kill her to leave no witnesses alive.
I pulled my hand away from the Android and scanned him once again.

Stress level: 100%


"Listen, Please don't be stressed, We only wanted to know why you killed them but you wouldn't help, So I had to do it"

Hank's POV:

I was watching Connor from behind the mirror this whole time, I was really shocked at how Connor took care of the deviant.
"I'm done, Lieutenant..."
When Connor was getting out of the room The Android started hitting its head on the table over and over again non-stop, Me and a bunch of cops started running towards the Deviant trying to stop it from self-destruction but it was too late, There was a lot of thirium on the table and the view just looked horrible, I started gagging and got out of the room as soon as I could.
"Are you okay, Lieutenant??"
"Yeah, Yeah I'm okay, It was just a disgusting thing to see..." "Oh, Okay, Lieutenant" "Anyways did you figure out why it was acting weirdly?"
"Yes, I'll tell you the story..." When Connor finished telling me about the deviant's story he started filing a report about the case and then we headed back home when our shift was over, Damn, That was a long day...
"Hank?" "Yes, Connor?" "Earlier that day when we caught the deviant...You didn't answer my question..."
"And what was the question again?"
"Would it matter to you if I died?" I stared at Connor for a few seconds before answering his question...I just didn't know what to say...

Connor's POV:


^^^Software instability

"But, Why?"
"Do androids ask so many questions...Or is it just you??" "No, I just wanted to know..."

Well, What a chapter, Is it just me or do I find it funny that I actually took out the dictionary and started searching for words suitable for the characters to say? xD
WORDS: 778
Have an amazing day!

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