Chapter 1: The Fight

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   It was a normal summer day at the mystery shack. Dipper and Wendy were making fun of the customers in the gift shop, when all of a sudden, Robbie came in.

   "Wendy, take me back!" Robbie said.

   "No Robbie. You know what you did." Wendy replied.

   "Uh, I'll just be over here..." Dipper said, walking over into the living room.

   "Wendy! Please! Just one more chance! Please Wendy!" Robbie blurted.

   "Robbie, I said no!" Wendy shouted as she pointed to the door. Robbie sulked and walked out of the Shack. "Hey, Dip. You can come back out now."

   "I can't believe he's still trying..." Dipper told Wendy.

   "I know. I just wish we were friends again, like old times." Wendy admitted.

   "Wendy, can I say something?" Dipper asked.

   "Of course, dork." Wendy smiled. "You have a mouth for a reason."

   "Right, right. So I was just wondering, if Robbie can't even respect the fact that you have moved on, and you just want to be friends, maybe he doesn't deserve to be your friend." Dipper said.

   "Thanks Dipface. You're a really great friend." Wendy said. There was somewhat of an awkward silence before they were talking again. "Uh, Dipper. Can I say something quick?"

   "Of course, Wendy." Dipper replied. "You have a mouth for a reason." Dipper smiled.

    "Did you just say all that so I would like you better as like, well you know..."

   "Whoa whoa what? Wendy you know we've talked about this before. Remember that day we went into the bunker? Remember the conversation?" Dipper said.

   "Yeah. I just worry things could get weird and it wouldn't work out and we wouldn't be friends again. That's the last thing I'd ever want to happen." Wendy said.

   "Relax, Wendy. I'm perfectly fine with being your friend." Dipper told her.

   "Okay Dipper." Wendy said. "Oop. Looks like it's quittin' time. See ya tomorrow, Dipper!"

   "Bye, Wendy!" Dipper yelled. Later that night, Wendy was wondering about what they had talked about. "Dipper is a great friend..." she whispered to herself. "He's funny,  loyal, honest, and a good listener. And those cheeks, those rosy red cheeks..." Wendy slapped her hand over her mouth in shock of what she said. "Could I really like Dipper like that?" She thought to herself. "Is that a bad thing? Or a good thing?" Wendy figured she was just tired and decided to go to sleep.

                   -THE NEXT DAY-

   Wendy was still on the edge about if she liked Dipper or not. When she got to the Shack that morning she saw Dipper outside. "Hey doofus." Wendy hollered. "What's up?"

   "Huh? Oh, hey, Wendy!" Dipper shouted back. "Grunkle Stan asked me to move these logs and set them up like benches."

   "Need any help?" Wendy asked.

   "Nah, I'm fine. You can go work the register and I'll meet you inside when I'm done." Dipper replied.

   Wendy agreed and walked into the Shack.

              -ONE HOUR LATER-

   Dipper had finished setting up the logs. As he started walking over to the door he saw Robbie walking over.

   "Well well well if it isn't Twerpsqueak" Robbie said.

   "What do you want Robbie?" Dipper asked.

   "Say, twerp. Why are you always butting into everyone's business huh? Just like you butted into my relationship with Wendy and ruined it?" Robbie asked.

   "I-I was just trying to protect her!" Dipper said.

   "Protect her from what? A flaw in a song? That's it. We're finishing this now." Robbie ran over to Dipper and smacked him to the ground. Then he kicked him into a log.

   "Oww... Robbie please! STOP!" Dipper exclaimed. Robbie continued to throw Dipper around and punch him. Dipper tried to fight back but he couldn't move. Wendy looked outside and saw what Robbie was doing. She quickly ran outside and put an end to it.

   "ROBBIE! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!" Wendy shouted.

   "Chillax, babe. I'm just hurting him for ruining our relationship." Robbie said.

   "Don't you call me 'babe!' Now let go of him right now!" Wendy ordered.

   "Fine. It was too easy to pummel that loser anyway." Robbie said as he walked away.

   "Th-thanks, W-Wendy..." Dipper mumbled.

   "Oh, Dipper, are you okay?!" Wendy asked.

   "Not r-really, but I think we have s-some bandages in the Shack." Dipper said.

   "Alright, you just stay still. I'll be right out with some bandages." Before she went inside she kissed Dipper on the cheek. "Dipper... I'm so sorry, I don't know where that came from... Really I don't..."

   "It's okay Wendy." Dipper said weakly. "You were just trying to make me feel better." Dipper continued. "Besides... I kind of liked it." They both smiled.

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