Chapter 3: The Wrath of Robbie

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   Wendy pulled her phone out and called Soos. "Sup, dude?" Soos said.

   "Soos! You have to tell Dipper that Robbie is on his way to kill him!" Wendy shouted.

   "I will not let you down, dude!" Soos said. Soos ran upstairs into the attic. "Hey dude. Wendy just called and said Robbie is like, on his way to kill you or something." Dipper gasped in horror.

   "Oh no! Mabel, I'm sorry, but I have to cancel Twinfest." Dipper said.

   "But Dipper, you promised!" Mabel said.

   "Would you rather me be dead?!" Dipper yelled.

   "Fine... but as soon as the heat's off, we're continuing Twinfest!" Mabel sighed.

   "Thanks Mabel. Now where to hide..." Dipper said.

   "Hey maybe you can shrink yourself with that flashlight thingy so Robbie can't see you." Mabel suggested.

   "No I can't do that. There's no time to go into the forest and get another crystal thing." Dipper told Mabel.

   "Well, I might've stolen one so I could be even more of an alpha twin..." Mabel said.

   "I thought you looked taller!" Dipper shouted. "But seriously, where is it?" Dipper asked.

   "Zing!" Mabel said, pulling the crystal out of her pocket. Dipper felt a beam of light hit him as he began to get smaller than a button.

   "Where do I hide?" Dipper asked.

   "Hmmm... you could hide in my sweater pocket." Mabel suggested.

   "Um, anywhere else?" Dipper asked.

   "WOULD YOU RATHER DIE?!" Mabel shouted.

   "Fine. I hope you showered well today..." Dipper said unwillingly.

   "I haven't showered at all today!" Mabel giggled.

   "AAAAUUGHHH!" Dipper screamed as Mabel tucked him into the pocket. Suddenly, Robbie busted the door open.

   "Where's that twerp." Robbie demanded.

   "I don't know but isn't Waddles just adorable?!" Mabel said happily.

   "You're not fooling me, kid! I know you know where he is!" Robbie yelled.

   "Fine. He went to find some invisible gizmo in the forest to hide from you." Mabel said. She walked over to the window. "He had some map that said to go straight that way to get the invisible place thingy." Mabel said pointing.

   "You'd better not be lying, kid." Robbie said, and he ran outside.

Wendy ran into the attic.

   "Where's Dipper at?" Wendy asked. "Did Robbie find him?"

   "Relax, Wendy. I shrunk him down so Robbie couldn't see him. When Robbie looks for him in the forest all he'll find is my unicorn trap." Mabel explained.

   "Phew. So where is he?" Wendy asked once more.

   "He was hiding in my sweater pock- oh no." Mabel said. "He must've fallen out when I looked out the window!" Mabel shouted.

   "We have to find him!" Wendy yelled. They ran downstairs to look for him outside.

   "Hey, I think I see him!" Mabel shouted. Dipper was curled up on the roof, getting pelted by raindrops.

   "Dipper, jump! I'll catch you!" Wendy yelled.

   "I... I can't." Dipper mumbled.

   "Well, then, I'm climbing up to get you!" Wendy yelled. Wendy climbed up the totem pole and leaped onto the roof. She scooped up Dipper and jumped off of the roof, then ran inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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