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Now fair warning either in this chapter OR next chapter something of epic proportion will happen not going to say what.....

Continuation of last chapter


I just sit there on the cold floor mentally telling myself I am an idiot and a perve until I remember that I need to check in on Elias and see if he is ok,so I get up and open the door.My inner child came out and I ran and slid across the floor in my slippers,leaving small static sparks behind me.I laugh a little remembering the times Elias and I did this together.

He really has grown up hasn't he?Before he was just little baby that didn't talk much and was scared of everything....but now he!stop this me!I will not be bested by a human!He is a good friend but that's all he is!

I hit my forehead against the wall in frustration since I know he is a human in my mind but my heart says he is much more but I don't know what to do!I am at a conundrum here and split between two ideas.

I can't take this....I should just tell him.....but he is human!Ach! I just don't know what to do!Should I tell him or should I get rid of him?If the others see us together then my position will be taken by someone else that will get rid of both of us or worse! I can't win this fight can I?To hell with, I will tell him.

I pick my head up and walk proudly to Elias....wait where is he?

"Aw crap I was to caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't see where he went!I will try the garage first see if he is there"

Take off through the wall and makemy way to the garage and don't find him there next I try the kitchen but he's not here either.Just when I was about to give up and ask the other boos I look out the window and see him in the backyard sitting there on a the rain.....depressing isn't it

I go to the front of the house and grab an ancient umbrella to give him,I make my way to the backyard and I poke him with the end of the umbrella to see if he is still alive and sure enough he reacts but instead of jumping forward he grabs the umbrella and hurls me along with it up and over his head I scream in shock from being thrown so violently.


I feel a small prick in my back and I grab whatever it is with both hands and chuck it as hard as I can up and over me,I also hear a loud scream from the thing I just threw and it sounded like boo and sure enough it was.I shot up to go and catch her,I manage to catch her but my hand was in a very peculiar spot but that didn't matter since we were currently in the air and falling into a damn thorn bush.


I just sit there in the bush unable to move because I know that if I do i will cause more pain and to cause the position both of us are in to be made worse.

" have you been boo"



I see my hand was somehow between her legs and...oh boy

"I can't"


"Meaning its stuck and I can't move it or feel it...I think its broken"


"I told you I can't!Can't you move!"

PB:y-y-yes I can but I need to step o-on you to out

"You can just shift through you know!"

It was too late she was already moving and I could see up her skirt and if I was to be honest she had a nice ass.

Nonono stop Elias you need to stop now,this is not the time to be looking up girls skirts especially boo's!

I couldn't resist it i kept catching myself looking at boo's booty (hah see what I did there) and it was nice,round,not too small,not too big, it was perfect and if were to also be honest her white skin made it all the more erotic

I am a man of honesty so I need to be honest and tell her I saw her ass....and maybe perhaps compliment her,not going to end well but might as well try

Boo finally managed to get out of the bush and helped me out but now I have cuts and slashes all over me and the rain wasn't helping,boo tried to take all of the thorns out of my arms and back but some were stuck and she needed me to go lay down again, I also need to tell her about earlier

Boo comes back with some thread,a needle and a small knife to dig the thorns out

"This is going to hurt like a bitch"

PB:let's just say this is unconditional payback for what had happened

"How is this payback!This is just torture at this point!"

Timeskip cause author-sama is too lazy to make the rest of this scene

Its been two hours since the makeshift surgery and I look like a damn frankinstein monster with the number of stitches in me,I lay on my back with my head on Boo's nice and cool thighs

PB:you ok Elias?

"Could be worse but yea"

PB:Elias I-I-I have something t-to tell you

"And I have something to tell you as well"

PB:O-oh well y-you see I-I-I have been thinking.....ILOVEYOUELIAS!!!

My face grows a little red because I thought of boo as a shy and forgetful person but hearing her shout this made me a little shocked

"O-oh is that so?I thank you for thinking of me but are you sure you want this trash heap of a man?"

PB:Yes!I do,because you were the only one that wasn't scared of me-

"I think it was more so you were scared of them"

PB:Shut up!*pouty face*that's not true

"It totally is but anyways I need to tell you my part and please don't get angry at me but....I saw your butt"

PB:huh?you saw what?

"Your ass,I saw it and I will be was nice"

PB:Elias you perv!.....did you like the view from down there?


PB:Wanna see it again but with the full package?

"Pfffffft.....*mumbles*yes please"

PB:what was that?~

"Nothing,nothing,nothing at all"

PB:you definitely want to don't you?~

"Fiiiiiine you win,yes I do"

PB:well right now is your lucky moment cause I am in the mood~

Now I know what your thinking....what's in the next chapter,best you don't ask

Smexy boo time next chapter

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