« Chapter Eighteen »

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Stella's POV

April 2018

"What?" I smiled, sipping on my hot cocoa and stared at the blue eyed, brown curly mess of hair of a guy sitting across from me at my favorite coffee shop. Ryan had a pencil between his lips, biting down on it absentmindedly as he studied his notes.

"Nothing," I mused, staring blatantly and not even caring that whatever we were studying for was the last thing on my mind.

"C'mon, Stella, you're distracting me. The whole reason we got out of my apartment was so we wouldn't distract each other." I bit my lip, remembering exactly what he was talking about.

The past few weeks have be so hectic between school and work that whenever Ryan and I had a chance to see each other, we didn't do much talking.

The first night we were able to be together was one of magic and something I could never, ever replicate with anyone else.

Ryan touched me like a delicate flower; so softly, like one moment could break me. I've never been touched like that before He worshiped my body like a temple, making sure each and every inch of me was receiving the utmost pleasure.

And that was just his hands.

Those wonderful, guitar fingers of his touching just so that I was over the edge with just a few strums.

"What are you smiling about?" His pencil was now behind his ear. I don't even think he's been using it.

"Oh, just thinking of your hands." Ryan started to cough like he was choking on his drink when I know for a fact that isn't the case. He looked up at me like I was insane.
"Stella," he coughed again, "please, we need to finalize our defense plan so Mrs. Harper doesn't bench us before we even get the chance to cross-exam. Which you know I'm so thrilled about." I realized then that I need to take this more serious, if not for me, but for him.

I've already had my share of the project done, but with Ryan flying back to Georgia for his sister and him working open mic more nights than usual, he hasn't had the time to sit and really think about this case.

"Tell me what you're stuck on." Ryan sighed, the pencil reappearing and twirling between his fingers. Those fingers of which were deep within me only a few hours ago. I could still feel the effect of them going in and out and twisting just right that drove me over the edge.
"Stella? Did you hear anything I just said?" I swallowed and came out of my lust induced hazed and blushed.

"I'm sorry, Ryan." He huffed, throwing down his note cards and stood up.

"I'm gonna get another hot chocolate while you get your mind out of the gutter." I bit my lip and watched him walk away, admiring the light wash of his jeans that hugged him perfectly.

My eyes drifted shut as I took another drink and when I opened it, my body stilled. Ryan was now talking to Chase, who must of came in when I wasn't paying attention.

I haven't talked to him since that night at the hospital, even though we do have multiple classes together, he made it a point to not sit beside me anymore and only acknowledges me if he has to, like he's doing right now by a nod in my direction.

I smiled at the broken man who lost his dreams of being a football star. He carried himself with curved shoulders and I know the broken arm he's nursing feels like a million pounds to him. Ryan smiled brightly at Chase which took me by surprise, then the brown eyed boy was heading my way.

I stood up and gave him a half hug like a long lost friend I haven't seen in years, it's feel that way even though it's only been a month. "How have you been?" I asked instead of waiting for him to speak first.

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