Chapter 4

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     A quarter moon had passed. Blueheart, Frostpaw, and Violetpaw just returned from hunting, with fresh prey in their jaws. After dropping the prey in the fresh-kill pile, Blueheart brought Violetpaw back outside camp. 

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Violetpaw's mew made Blueheart's pelt grow hot.

"It's about Frostpaw," He stared at his paws. "You two are close. Do you know if she's..." There was a long pause "...interested in anyone?"

A large smile spread on Violetpaw's face. "You like her?" Violetpaw teased.

"Maybe," Blueheart mumbled. His ears then perked up at something. "Wait, you two aren't a thing or anything, right?" He added quickly.

"Oh, no, she only likes toms," Violetpaw answered. "I think you have a chance with her. You two have been spending quite some time together." Violetpaw purred. Blueheart dipped his head in agreement. Just as he opened his mouth to say something, Mossgaze, Pebblestorm, Flamepaw, and Snakepetal walked by. They've returned from a border patrol. Flamepaw, though, had a fat vole in his jaws.

"Nice catch, Flamepaw." Violetpaw purred. Flamepaw's eyes were filled with pride.

"I guess it is a decent catch, but last time I checked, we were on a border patrol," Mossgaze growled.

"Lighten up, Mossgaze." Snakepetal shook her tortoiseshell pelt.

"Violetpaw!" Dark grey tabby fur trotted out of the fern tunnel.

"Oh, hey Mistwing." She greeted.

"Cherrystar wanted to see you, Violetpaw." Violetpaw nodded before darting back towards camp.

Cherrystar was sitting outside her den. She was sharing tongues with Flowerclaw. Violetpaw bounded forward.

"You wanted to see me?" Violetpaw shuffled her paws.

"Yes. You've been doing excellent with your training. I want you to come to the gathering tonight." Cherrystar spoke, with a soft gaze. Violetpaw was speechless. This would be her first gathering. Violetpaw simply nodded. "Alright. We leave at sundown, so be ready by then."

The sunset painted the sky. Cherrystar, Flashclaw, Mossgaze, Ravenstripe, Flowerclaw, Frostpaw, Breezelily, Sparrowleap, Windpaw, Flamepaw, Nightchaser, along with Violetpaw, all headed toward the middle of the forest. Flamepaw stayed close to Breezelily, while Violetpaw trotted ahead. Frostpaw and Blueheart were prancing together up ahead. They seem comfortable. Violetpaw smirked.   

"Ugh. Why can't they wait until after the gathering?" Mossgaze hissed.

"I think they're cute together." Flamepaw stepped in.

"You wouldn't know about love, because you're too scared to even leave Breezelily's side!" Mossgaze snorted. Violetpaw wanted to rip Mossgaze's ears off for saying something like that.

The cats soon reached three large stones, surrounded by a thin, shallow stream. "This is the Gathering Place." Breezelily mewed. The scent of IcyClan rushed into her nose as a group of IcyClan cats padded forth. "Remember, no attacking." Breezelily hissed in their ears. The IcyClan cats gathered in front of one rock. They all had long, bright-colored pelts. Most of them had white fur. "Why not talk to some of them?" Breezelily nudged Violetpaw. Violetpaw reluctantly scooted forward, towards a light brown apprentice. She was the color of frozen bark, with eyes that shined like the stars.

"Uh, hi." Violetpaw's mew made the apprentice jump.

"Oh, h-hi. Sorry, it's my first time at a gathering." The apprentice fixed her posture. 

"It's my first time too," Violetpaw admitted.

"Oh really? That's cool. I'm Alderpaw." The apprentice sheepishly smiled.

"I'm Violetpaw." Violetpaw purred.

"It's nice to meet a friendly cat around here." Alderpaw sighed. "Not even my brother is this nice." Alderpaw let out a half-hearted mrrw. Violetpaw put a tail tip on her shoulder. 

Cherrystar sat on the rock in front of the ValleyClan cats. The smell of fresh frogs and swamps mixed in the air as a group of cats walked toward the rest. SwampClan. The SwampClan cats had thick, dark pelts, with large paws.

Violetpaw turned her attention back towards Alderpaw. "You know, most cats see me as too soft. But I want to prove them wrong." Alderpaw mumbled. Then, Windpaw came rushing up.

"Hey, guys, what's going on?" Windpaw purred.

"We're just getting to know each other." Violetpaw mewed. "Windpaw, this is Alderpaw. Alderpaw, this is Windpaw." The two cats exchanged smiles.

"I'm a medicine cat apprentice," Windpaw added.

"Oh, that's nice. Why'd you choose that?" Alderpaw's ear twitched.

"Well, I loved helping out my uncle Ravenstripe when I was a kit. And when my parents died, I felt a stronger connection to StarClan, like it was my purpose to follow their guidance. And Ravenstripe says I'm great with herbs," She answered.

Soon enough, Cherrystar and two other cats leaped on the rocks. The cats around them grew silent. "Cherrystar, would you like to start?" A black splotched she-cat spoke. Her eyes were as clouded as Cherrystar's scarred eye.

"Yes, thank you Fernstar." Cherrystar dipped her head. "We have two new warriors, Blueheart and Mossgaze. And two new apprentices, Violetpaw and Flamepaw." The clans cheered. "Lizardsong is also expecting kits. And prey is running well." Cherrystar finished. "Why not you go next, Dovestar?" Cherrystar turned towards a sleek silver tabby tom.

"Of course. IcyClan has two new apprentices, Splotchedpaw and Alderpaw." The clan cheered again. "And Fawnheart has given birth to two healthy toms, Mothkit and Beetlekit. That is all."

"Now SwampClan shall go." Fernstar started. "We have two new apprentices, Eaglepaw and Sweetpaw." The clans cheered once more. "Soon we will have two new warriors." Two SwampClan apprentices purred. "Also, we've scented rats near our borders. Please stay alert for them if you come near the border." Fernstar finished, then the leader leaped off and led their clans back to their camps.

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