Chapter 7: Bad Memories

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Genji and I had left the mansion and had found an old shrine to stop and get reacquainted with each other. We sit on a roof top, with a long, somewhat uncomfortable silence. It's odd, I don't why I'm doing this. I shouldn't be doing this but, deep down, I feel as though I need to do this.

"Why did your master take you away?"

I look up, Genji finally speaks.

"Getting straight to the point, huh?" I look out, trying to avoid answering.

"You always did too when we were younger. But, I understand if you don't want  to answer, I was just curious." He says, completely different as he would as a child.

"You've changed. Physically and mentally. You would've been begging me to tell you." I say, laughing a little thinking about the past.

"So have you. You were so open with us, always happy to share everything you could about your day. More so with Hanzo then me but, now, you've closed yourself off. To everyone. So what happened?"

I look at him as he does. I quickly look away as I start to feel my face twist with emotions that I try to hide away.

"I should asks you that same thing. Your a cyborg now, what happened to you?" I ask, hope he'd try to change the topic.

"Overwatch saved me as my body was dying."

I looked up at him, surprised he was even willing to tell me that without hesitation.

"Overwatch? That organization of so called heroes that was shut down? Why would they- wait, dying?" I sat up, very confused with what he just said.

"Years after you left, when our father died, the elders wanted me more involved with the business. I refused. Then forced Hanzo to...forced him to kill me."

I froze. I was stunned by what he had said. Hanzo and Genji may not have always seen eye to eye but, Hanzo would never...Hanzo loved Genji more then anything.

"No...that can't be...he wouldn't-!"

"But, I lived. Dying but, still breathing. Overwatch saved and gave me a new body for my assistance. But, I grew to hate the body they gave me and once the mission was over, I left. I wondered around the world aimlessly until I met Zenyatta. He showed me that this body was a gift. So, I have forgiven Hanzo for what has happened, so that we can start over."

I'm left speechless. Hanzo did this to him? Yet Genji forgives him? I don't understand. "I...I don't understand. Why forgive him?"

"Even with every he did to me, even if I was angry with him, it would be justified but, it would be hell. I was at war with myself. Once I accepted what happened, I was free."

I sat in silence, processes all this. I suppose I understand but yet, not. I sigh.

"I can't believe Hanzo would..." I look down, million of thoughts in my head about Hanzo.

"He immediately regretted it, if that helps your judgement."

I looked up at him, puzzled.

"Much like how your master forced you to leave, Hanzo was forced to kill me by the elders. From what I understand, he left the clan not to long after what he thought he had done. But, would only return on the day he thought he killed me. And he would only pray. For forgiveness. Even with his clouded actions in the past, he still is the same deep down."  Genji looks at me before he continues, "Do not think less of him, I know he is the same as you knew him. And I understand if you do not tell me why you left. I only told you what happened to me because I have accepted what has happened in the past and I am at peace with myself."

I stare back at him, at aw for how much he has changed and matured as a person. I feel as though, he and Hanzo has a right to know why I left.

"I was getting too close."

Genji looks up, catch off guard.

"My master, started to notice that I would sneak away every night after curfew. When he found out where I sneak off to, he was furious. He used you and Hanzo as leverage as punishment. Threaten to harm you two and demanded that I never seen either of you again. That...that I mustn't have any weakness."

"No one is invulnerable." Genji says, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Not to my master. If there's any sight of weakness. It must be terminated he'd always say. So, I didn't have a choice. I had to leave. I didn't want to leave. But, I had to. I had to protect you both." I look out, as the memory of that day comes back to me.

"(Y/n), what has happened to him since then?" Genji ask, wanting to help me ask much as he can.

"The bastard died of a heart attack. His son took over and he may be young to be the leader, being only in his early 20's but, he's just as bad as his father was, if not worse."

"With your master gone, why do you still hide?"

"What?" I look at him, puzzled by his question.

"Why must you stay there and make yourself suffer? Why must you hide from us?“

I stay silent. I'm not quite sure of the answer myself. Was it fear? Fear of his son using the same threat to me?

"We have grown, me and hanzo. I understand why left then. We were only children. But now, myself and hanzo can take care of ourselves." Genji's tone sounds happy with a hint of saddest as he trys to comfort me.

He's right. But, yet, I don't want them hurt. I only want to protect them and keep them out of harms way. I feel as though everything I told myself is a lie. I thought I had accepted the fact that I left. But, I was in denial. I simply left to because I wanted to protect them. And I still do.

Before I could answer his question, my phone rings and I slightly panic to grab my phone and see James is calling, putting a finger to my mouth to signal Genji to say quiet. Genji nods as I answer the phone.

"Heeeeeeeey, James, what's up?" I ask, putting my hand on my forehead.

"Uhhhh, hey, yeah, where are you?" James greets me in a annoyed tone.

"Oh, uh, I was heading back now, why?" I answer, trying to relax myself.

"Why you ask? You had a mission and you were suppose to report back when the mission was done. What happened?"

"There was just some complications with the identity of the leader but, I was able to sort it out." I said and Genji crosses his arms, seeing as he was the one who found the leader, I shrug in response.

"Ugggggggh....Well, hurry back. The kid boss is getting upset about and I don't feel like amusing him for long." James says before hanging up.

I stare at my phone before standing up.

"I have to go. It was good seeing you again." I wave as I start to walk away

"Your going back? I won't stop you if this is what you want but, are you really sure this is what you want?" Genji quickly grabs my shoulder, stopping me in my track.

"No. It's not. But, right now, I don't have a choice...But, don't worry. I'll get out...I'll get out." I say as I gently push Genji's hand off my shoulder. "Goodbye, Genji."

I run off the roof, leaving Genji behind. Heading back to HQ, I feel this new, or rather old pain I haven't felt about HQ in a long time.

See you in the next chapter :3

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