Twins?//?? Psych no

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(A/N: I JUST SAW THE FIRST EPISODE YALL OK DONT EXPECT ME TO KNOW EVERYTHING OK. I actually will probably be swerving around/not following the plot entirely so :'D)

  I yawned, strolling down Detroit in my nice dark purple and black hoodie with my baggy sweatpants. God i love Mondays, dont you? Sarcasm. Dont answer that. I coughed hard into my fist, the lingering cold from last week still in my system. I wonder what i can eat today while i skip school... My eyes wander over to a bubble tea shop and a smile slips over my face. 

  I walk out of the shop, happily sipping on my bubble tea. I plug in my headphones and slip them on as i walk into the base. Yes, i work with that weird ass group that's tryna capture Rachel. Dont jUDGE me. I see Jerry, our mole in the police station, knocked out and thrown onto the couch and I immediately know something's up. I walk over and shake him awake, and i lead him upstairs. i still have my headphones on, and i walk slowly. 

  I slip my hair into a ponytail just so i can see better, and i cautiously ease open the door to the room we had set up to kill Rachel in. I glance at our Elder's body, and the blood pooled around him for just a moment before my eyes search the room. I slip off the earphones and slowly, cautiously walk forward, Jerry following me with his gun ready. I approach the chair and run a finger along one of the arms, my eyes wandering the scene. He had obviously tried to kill her... There were signs of struggle.. 

  I sense the power a second before im slammed into the wall, and i shove my arms up in defense. The familiar dark power shoves against me but i push back, struggling hard. I open my eyes slightly but they widen as they see the darker side of Rachel, pinning me with her power. Somebody quickly knocks out Jerry (again) and they point their gun at me. The actual physical body of Rachel shivers and slumps to the floor, while her darkness suddenly seizes my arms and pins them above my head while she wraps her other hand around my throat. I let out a surprised yelp, my bubble tea falling to the floor and making the ground a bit slippery as it pools around my feet. 

  I struggle for a couple seconds but she tightens her grip and i gasp for air, ceasing my struggles. My feet threaten to slip out from under me and i struggle to stay standing. Yeah.. Lets just say im not the strongest power-user. I may have more control of my power, but that doesn't mean im strong with it. Her eyes narrow, a malicious snarl crossing her face before her hand tightens hard on my neck and i black out.

(im gonna wait until the next episode is out to decide what i wanna do with this aha im so sorry this is so short :'D)

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