In Troouubbllee

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  I blearily open my eyes, a sharp headache pounding like a drum in my mind and my clothes damp for some reason... The memories of the attack- well, more like defense honestly, we were the ones that had kidnapped her- came back abruptly, and I wince. I slowly sit up, my eyesight a bit blurry but not too bad. I get up and stagger slightly out of the building, brushing off my damp clothes and putting on my sunglasses. I pull out my phone, sighing before dialing a number.


  I thanked the bus driver as i hopped off the bus, pulling the scarf up on my face. I shrugged the heavy coat higher on my shoulders, looking around at Ohio. It was the first time i had been to this place, and this is where Rachel was said to be. There was another group coming as well, ones that could actually do their job (hopefully), but i didnt like them all that much. They were kinda creepy... I yawned widely and started walking to a nearby hotel, exhaustion tugging at my mind insistently. 

  I eventually found a shitty-looking-but-also-kinda-decent motel, and gave the person at the front enough money for a few nights. I may have given em a bit much, but they didn't complain, so i went up to my room. Something felt weird, but i was waaaay to fuckin tired. I had stayed up through the night cuz i didn't trust anybody on the bus, and i didnt even care if the mattress smelled like cocaine. Dont ask me how i know what that smells like. I dropped my stuff and flopped onto the bed, pulling out my blanket and laying it half-haphazardly over myself before unconsciousness yeeted itself at my mind and i was out like a light.


  My brain registered the weight before it registered the warmth, and i made an uncomfortable wheeze sound. Did someone sneak into my fucking room to put on like 5 more blankets?? I open my eyes slightly and then it hits me.

  Theres a fuckin body on top of mine.

  I panic for a moment, almost thinking its a dead one, before i recognize the hair. Then i just. Freeze. How did she get in my room. Why is she here. When did she get here. Does she have a room in this motel?? Just my goddamn luck- SHES WAKING UP. I shut my eyes and relax slightly, and i feel her shift on top of me. I then hear her suck in a startled breath, and i feel her tense. She then slowly, very slowly, as in it takes 5 minutes to, slowly gets off me. She doesn't bother to put the blanket back on, but almost silently makes her way out the door, and then runs back to her room. I wait for a couple seconds before i take a large, deep breath of relief. Thank god she didn't realize i was awake... 

  Suddenly my phone rang loudly and i practically jumped off my bed it was so loud. I wearily pick it up and answer it.


  I yawn as i head to the building i was instructed to go to, the one with those 2 other super heroes, and the building Rachel and Dick were currently staying in with them. I winced, rolling my shoulder. I had gotten a call to go meet up with the family that was tasked with acquiring Rachel, and apparently i had been too casual or something cuz they ended up letting their son stab me... Urgh.. At least they gave me bandages.

  I look up at the tall building tiredly, having been walking most of the way here from the motel. I kept missing the buses, and it was already almost dark. Jesus, had i walked for that long?? I guess so... I entered the building and reached out hesitantly with my aura, searching for Rachel's own power-feeling. I was then violently- and rather rudely- shoved into a wall, an image of a very angery dark-Rachel standing before me for a moment before disappearing. I grunt and get up, frowning. I guess she's definitely in this building then...

  I walk around for a bit before i hear thumps and yelling from above on the roof. I calmly climb the stairs and walk out to find the family abso-fuckin-lutely destroying the heroes. I look around for Rachel, but she isnt here... But her aura is up here. She must be hiding, poor girl, probably scared-- WAIT NO DONT SYMPATHIZE WITH HER IDIOT.

  I sigh as Dick proceeds to get himself thrown off the roof, and the brother knocks out Hawk or whatever his name is. I walk over to where i feel the aura coming from and the family follows, surrounding Rachel. She looks at them, terrified, and the mother smiles, crouching down before wrapping her hand around Rachel's face and knocking her out. I wince a little at the coldness, but shake my head a little. They mother proceeds to basically toss Rachel onto me for me to carry and they start walking back. I stagger a little but hold her bridal style, following the others obediently.

  This is gonna be a pain in the ass when she wakes up...

(A/N: oof im sorry its short again :'D not even 1000 words, jesus im getting weak. dont worry, i'll try and update every week!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2018 ⏰

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