chapter one (1)

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-Kennadi's POV

I turn my car off and grab my black book bag out of the passenger seat before opening the door and stepping onto the pavement. I close my car door and start heading towards my school. The doors are propped open and I watch all the people crowding in, running their mouths to each other about what they did this summer as Iwalk by myself into the building.

It's my senior year and while everyone else is so excited, I dread being here as much as ever.

I walk through the hall towards the office to get my schedule since I didn't go to orientation. The door creaks when I push it open to see the friendly office lady.

"Hello miss Kennadi, how can I help you?" Mrs. Martin says. I smile and say, "Can I get my schedule?" She nods and walks to go get it. I look around the room at the pictures on the wall as I wait for her to come back. I jump as the door swings open and two girls rush into the office.

The girls walk up and rest their elbows on the office desk. I look over at them and give them a small smile. One of the girls says, "Hey this is where I get my schedule right?"

"Yes," I say shortly. "Okay cool. I'm a freshman so I have no idea where I'm going," She says as her and her friend laugh.

I smile and nod as Mrs. Martin comes back with my schedule. "Here you go, Kennadi." I grab the paper and give her a quick thank you before walking out of the room.

I slowly walk down the hall while glancing over my schedule, praying for good teachers.

1st period- ap government, mrs. carrington, room 202
2nd period- chemistry, coach hyde, room 207
3rd period- honors calculus, mrs. dotson, room 315
4th period- 12th grade honors literature, mrs. brownlee, room 301
5th period- beginning p.e., coach baldwin, gym
6th period- yearbook, mrs. garvin, room 208

I sigh, partially in relief because I don't have a problem with any of the teachers, but also in disappointment because I have to take P.E. It's required to graduate so I knew I would have to take it at some point but i was hoping that I'd somehow get out of it. I'm probably the least athletic person on the face of the planet and super self conscious when it comes to doing...anything in front of people so P.E. is not exactly my dream class.

I fold the paper and put it in my pocket before heading to Mrs. Carrington's room for government. I pass my best friend, Ashton, and say, "Hey girl, send me your schedule." She smiles and says, "I gotchu."

When I get to government, the room is basically full, leaving me with only 3 choices for where to sit. There's two seats in the very back and one towards the front. I normally would pick the front seat but Jules Carnley is sitting in the seat behind it and I don't think I really wanna deal with the sound of her gum popping and gossiping in my ear everyday.

I walk to the back and sit down next to a girl who doesn't look familiar and a guy who's name I think is Austin but I'm not sure.

the bell soon rings and Mrs. Carrington starts talking to the class about her no cell phone policy, how challenging this class is gonna be, and that she hates being interrupted. The boy, Austin I believe, taps my desk and asks me, "Is your name Kennadi?" I nod at him and he says, "Hey, I'm Austin, can you try to put more pictures of me in the yearbook this year?"

I roll my eyes playfully and say, "That's what everyone asks me, but I'll see what I can do." He smiles and says, "You're the best," with a wink. I shake my head and smile as I turn my attention back to Mrs. Carrington.

After what feels like 6 hours, the class ends and I pull out my schedule again to see where I'm supposed to be headed. I realize it's chemistry which is literally right across the hall from my first period, so I mentally thank God for not making me have to walk super far.

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