mafia what?

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Tessa's POV
When he gets back he seems furious. Maybe it was nothing? Or maybe just maybe it's worse than I could fathom.
"Earth to tess!" Tina belts to. "Talias been trying to ask you something for the past ten minuets!"

"Oops well spill."

"What did you mean when you said potter gets slaughtered." Oh that. I maybe kinda like giving half spoilers that make bookworms go crazy.

"It could mean anything, maybe he dies or loses a big battle or Ginny breaks his heart." I reply vexingly.

"Which one though?"

"You tell me." I say curtly which turns a dangerous switch uh oh. I get up and make a break for my seat as Talia's close behind with a sharpie. "Adam up!"

He shoots up and sees Talia raging towards me then pulls me behind him putting me in between us.

"Tess you told me he was annoying but you never said how hot he was. Damn girl Tinas gotta see him." Talia fangirls before sauntering off.

"Who was that?" Is all he says. Aw he's so cute confuzzled.

"That was my bestfriend Talia and she's going to get Tina probably to make ship names or something." I blow it off and sit down as Tina and Talia come back almost out of breath. "Welcome back T other T this is Adam, Adam this is T and other T."

"T stop being so confuzzling." Tina whines.

"But T it's fun. T don't you agree T needs to loosen up?" I joke.

"I think you should tell me and T about A."

"Who?" Then I remember Adam's behind me. "Oh there's nothing to tell we just sit next to each other." The as an after though I whisper "He's seventeen so we can't be a thing anyway."

"Why not?" A husky voice asks from behind causing me to jump a little.

"It's not legal, well it won't be next year. Besides we probably won't see each other again after this plane ride."

"What if this ride lasts forever then." He whispers sending a shiver through my body. "Besides I'm not gennerally one oto care whwat the law has to say about what I want."

"OOOOOOH are you saying you want her?!" Talia interrupts exitedly completly ruiinning the moment but helping me from that uncomfortable posistion. "Oops you were having a moment weren't you."

"Looks like my little nerd has a wing girl."

"Heck ya she does and she's got two right T?" Tina joins.

"That's right T!" Talia responds as I face plam my self from embarresment of my two crapplecorns.

"Wait they need alo~one time." Tessa suggests wiggling her eyebrows before draging Talia away.

"So if I have this right Talia is all about sweet gushy love and Tina handles the more dirty aspects?"
"Yap you catch on fast." I joke patting him on the head. He just scoffs then I grab a chocolate out of my bag. Yes I have chocolate don't judge me I like me sweets. I can't help but groan as the chocolate melts.
"Hmm don't tease me." Adam groans. Wait how was I teasi- ohhh. He he he ain't seen anything yet. I continue to eat the chocolate groaning with each bite and slow lick my fingers clean when I'm done. Well time for a graceful exit. I get up and walk to the bathroom never looking back. But when i get to the back he sneaks up and drags me into the bathroom. He's so close. For a moment he just stares in my eyes while I try to look anywhere else.
"Look at me." He demands cupping my face. I can't help but slightly shake from fear. "Sh I didn't mean to scare you." He apologizes digging his head into the crook of my neck.
"What are doing to me baby?"
"I'm not a baby."
"No but your my baby." He whispers flipping a switch.
"I am not yours and stop calling me baby! I'm not anyone's!" I yell just as Tina's voice booms from the other side of the door.
"You need to ditch your hottie he's a gang leader! Tessa!"
"Wha what?!"

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