Gary Smith x Reader: Back to School?

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" I told you, James Hopskin! I'm officially free from that shitty asylum!. " Jimmy is officially deaf now after hearing Gary's yell all day long, to convince him that the little smart-yet-crazy friend of his has "changed". The short boy just rolled his eyes, signing that he actually fed enough with his ex-frienemy bullshit. 

" Okay, okay, Sociopath. We'll take you back, but under my watch. Now get the fuck out of my face! " Gary grinned in victory, mumbling 'Thanks Jim' before he dashed to the principal office, leaving Jimmy alone. Jimmy just shook his head slowly, 

" Damn that asshole " He mumbled, slowly walking towards the same direction. 


(Y/n) (L/n) rested her left cheek on her palm, looking outside the car window. There's nothing much to gaze, busy people walking on the street, some of'em shopping, talking to each other. Both sides of the road filled with shops, food courts, a small grocery market, and tired looking people. And she even saw some random strangers whom being egg-thrown by delinquent townies, which is not even make her boredom fade. The New England life seems pretty boring for her. 

" Honey, why so silent? " (Y/n)'s mother, who's currently driving asked her. (Y/n) just shifted a little bit to more comfortable position, continued to gazing the outside view. 

" (Y/n), i know you must be upset- "

" Hn. " The older woman just sighed at her daughter cold remarks, she exactly like her father, cold and absolute. Sometime she couldn't believe herself for married such a cold-man, yet gentle and caring at the same time. She knows that her husband, and her daughter are very secretive about their feelings ( Tsun-tsun alerts, remind me of a certain carrot. )

* ------: ACHU!


As the newly arrived parent and daughter reached to the Bullworth Academy gate, (Y/n)'s mother stopped her car engine. Yawned a little bit, (Y/n) grabbed her school bag and getting out from the car. Saluted her mother with a blank face, she turns her back and slowly walking towards the gate.

" HUAHAHAHAHA, NICE ONE (Y/n)! " (Y/M/N) laughed loudly and started her car to drive again.

(Y/n) smiled, sometimes her mother just act like a kindergarten children. She slowly dragged her feet to the school, lazily yawning. While fought her dizziness ( and laziness ), (Y/n) spotted a woman on the corner of her eye.

" Welcome to the Bullworth Academy, Young woman. Now, should i take you to the Headmaster Office? ".

----------------- Skip, brought by Kuroko's ignite pass ---------------------------------------------

" Aww maaan! I hope we still friends !" For once again, Jimmy pissed. Gary keeps nudging on him all day all night ( Ok that's lie not all night ) to be accepted once again as his friend. For this time, Gary was not nudging on him but on Pete, on Russel, on everyone.

'Damn this psycho-kid man, he is such an embarrassment for me'

Few of them accepted, few of them are still suspicious while the remains just simple doesn't give a f. Now they were currently on the second floor, dragging their feet outside the Headmaster Office after a serious, long ass boring talk with Mr. Crabblesnitch. More like threatening them to not making a problem again, EVER.

Gary's irises caught another pair of (E/C) Irises, they definitely stole his attention for a moment before (Y/n) simply walk past them with a boring, uninterested face while heading to the Headmaster office. Gary stopped his path, and turned around to see her at least once again. Well, she gone already, probably went straight to the office.

" Who's that pretty lad? "

Jimmy turned his head to his sociopath friend, arching one eyebrow.

" Which girl ? "

" You know, the (H/c) eyes one. "

Jimmy shrugged, he was clearly not paying attention to his surrounding that time. Instead, he give gesture to Gary, follow me one. Gary just groaned before he catching up to Jimmy, half jogged.

-(Y/n) p.o.v

Dear lord, this school is seems too old. I got so bored and sleepy in the middle of Mr.Crabblesnitch speech, oh man i can't hold my eyelids-

" Miss. (L/n) are you paying attention?! "

I opened my eyes, only to saw the old man having his face decorated in irritated expression. I need to think of something,

" I'm sorry Mr. Crabblesnitch, Journey from (Country State) to Bullworth was so exhausting. I'm apologizing for this. "

Well, i half lied. It's a truth as well, it was really tiring for me. The expression that Mr. Crabblesnitch was held soften for once, showing his sympathy for me. Hahah, old man. He fixed his tie and decided to ended the conversation, then he suggests me to go to the female dorm for a nice rest.

' I hope this year isn't that bad '


Ah my, finally i can publish this one. I'm still suck on writing so bear with it hahahaha /slapped/ I hope you enjoy the story, if you like my stories follow me and don't forget to favorite this story <3

see yaaaaa

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