The diner part 2

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Brad : Well they wanted to know who you are what you look like, if you were nice , why we got divorce... They never saw any pictures of you although if think now they know with the internet and their phones. They'll be I think happy to meet you .

Jen: Wow yeah... no I don't think it's a good idea, i don't think their mother will be fine with me seeing them , plus I don't want you to have any problem...with her.

Brad: What are you talking about no no ... look you and I are not dating we're friends, I have the right to present them my friends either she likes it or not ... it's my choice and I want them to meet you.

Jen: Brad ... you sure ...? I mean it's not...

Brad : What ?

Jen: Well would you like her to present them to Billy Bob Thornton?

Brad : Oh they did ... you know I really don't mind.... come on it'll be fun

Jen: Well we'll see okay ?

Brad: Yeah ... 

They spend the night laughing again and eating and don't see the time flying.

Waiter : excuse me sir we're about to close.

Jen: What... What time is it ... oh my god 2a.m !

Brad: Noo really ? Sorry we're gonna take of .

Jen: ah ahah Jeez we're very sorry

Waiter : it's okay really

Jen : thank you! Bye

Brad : gosh I didn't know it was that late ...

Jen: I knooow ahaha well ... I'm gonna take of

Brad: Well okay ...

Jen: What?  you're not tired ?

Brad : ahaha no... but I think I'm gonna do some sculpture before going home...

Jen: Really ? I wanted to see what you do, can I come ?

Brad : Absolutely ... I thought you were tired

Jen : AHA I'm fine let's go I'm gonna follow you with my car

Brad : Got it !

They're coming to the Workshop. As soon as they enter, She is impressed by all the sculptures around her.

Jen: WOW it's wonderful ... did YOU do this ?

Brad: Yeeep I did

Jen: oh that one is amazing...

Brad: Yeah it's ZeeZee

Jen: Your daughter?

Brad : Yep Zahara

Jen: Amazing

Brad : This is what I'm working on, you want me to show you how it works ?

Jen: I'll love that !

Brad: okay come on

They spend the rest of the night sculpting and drinking red wine till the first sunlights.

Jen: God it's already 7 a.m now I really should take of  ahaha

Brad: Yeah me too , now I'm gonna sleep. It was a great night!

Jen: It was amazing really, I didn't have that much fun since a long time ... I really enjoyed this.

Brad: Me too

They give each other a hug. A hug that is really different to Jen. She feels safe in Brad's arms, like if the rest of the world didn't exist she is barely breathing cause she doesn't know why she feels like that... as they retire from each other's arms, they're looking at each other, there is a huge silence between them as they are only smiling at each other. Jen doesn't know what to say, does she kiss him , is he going to ....?

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