Casual days

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I lift on the side of the bed, it's empty. I guess Brad is somewhere in the house and I truly hope that he fed the dogs. I go in the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face and the minute I put the soap on my face, someone grabs my back." Ouch!! Brad!!! You're such an asshole!!" I still have the soap in my face and Brad who is still laughing kisses me before I wash it off.

" haha, Good morning baby..." As I wash my face, he still laughing. "Brad you have to stop scaring me...It's so annoying, you could kill me! Do you want to kill your wife!?" " hahaha I'm sorry look, I made you breakfast " My face changes as I'm really flattered by his sweetness. " Oh, baby...that's so sweet. See, It kills me I can never be too mad at you..."                       " I know..." " Oh, babe did you feed the dogs?"

"Nooo...." I can't believe he didn't so I go outside the room to the kitchen.                           " Braaaaaaad! Come on I told you yesterday!"  " No, you didn't! "                                                         " Yes I....wait...okay I didn't" We take the breakfast to our pool table, then I feed the dogs. I then come to sit on Brad's lap, just enjoying our time.                                                    " God it is a hundred degrees out here...I'm gonna swim" I get up, take off my sleeping robe then I jump in the swimming pool. Brad looks at me and smiles. " You didn't say you were going commando..."  I take the half of my body out of the water then I turn to look at him and give him a sexy look. "Does it change...anything?"     

"Hell yeah, cause now I have to come to..!" He takes his clothes off then jumps in the water next to me. He then lifts me up and puts me on his laps before kissing me. Our kisses start to get more passionate then we stop. " Baby, do you think we should tell our friends that we're married?" "Maybe our family and only really close friends, cause it quickly goes out everywhere ." " the first time we got engaged." " Exactly, I thought it was so precious to keep it for one knew, it was beautiful.."

" I agree... it was amazing so we should do the same and only tell our really close friends and family" He turns me around then kisses me again. " We'll make a dinner and tell them. Sounds good?"  "Perfect..."  We stay in the pool for an hour then finally get out as I have to get ready for my show.

" Baby what show are you doing again?" "  Ellen! wanna come ??"                                             " And I will be a surprise guest?" " Yeah but since no one knows we're back  together people would ask questions" " Right...we'll confirm it when the time will be right."  I quickly take a shower, then put on a leather little black skirt with a white t-shirt and black high sandals.                 " You look pretty in that" " Well thank you honey... what are you doing today?" "I'm gonna stay here for a while then go work on my sculptures and at six  I have to go see Marc."       " Well okay, I'm having lunch with Ellen so when you finish text me so you can join us."           "Fine" I take my keys, kiss Brad then I get to the car. On my way for Warner Brothers, I remember I was supposed to call Dr. Wholman, so I decide to fix an appointment with her.

Hi Dr. Wholman!

Dr: Hi Jen, you're back?

J: Yes I am...

Dr: Okay would you come when you have a moment?

J: Actually yeah...when can I have an appointment?

Dr: Well tomorrow at 2 in the afternoon I'm free so you can come over, this won't take long, just a check okay?"

Jen: Fine then....I'll be there tomorrow thank you, doctor.

Dr: No problem Jen see you tomorrow

I finally arrive at the show, the pre-interviewer tells me what Ellen will talk about since I don't have the time to see her before the show starts. I only have the time to get ready that it is my turn to get on stage.

* Ellen: Ladies and gentlemen Jennifer Aniston!!!

Jen: Hiiiiiii! Hi sweetie!

Ellen: Hi Jen...ow your skin is so tan, I love it

Jen: Well thank you, I was on a little vacation...

Ellen: Yeah and you were...

Jen: In Asia, Thaïland, and Vietnam...beautiful

Ellen: Yeah while we were working! Good for you whatever...

Jen: Hahahaha! Oooow honey... I'm sorry, next time I'll take you...we should do a trip together one day, it's been a while...

Ellen: Sure we'll plan that, okay let's not plan our vacation in front of the world...

Jen: haha!

Ellen: So your new movie is out...

Jen: Yep

Ellen: And it's called " They used to call me dad"

( I won't do the rest of the interview cause it could be too long)

About an hour later we finally finish so we decide to have lunch at Ellen's instead of a restaurant as I feel a little bit dizzy and tired. I'm laying on the couch talking with Ellen when Portia comes in with some appetizers. "Hey, Jen! " "Portia we were just talking about you in Ethiopia"                                           "Oh yeah...It was amazing and so interesting. People, there are so different and polite...they care so much about others...A real-life experience." " I imagine...I really have to go to Africa now" Ellen starts laughing at me. " Yeah, you've done Asia let's continue the rest of the world..."

"Aha! Well, I would love to Ellen" Portia looks surprised but then realizes that I was gone.
" Oh yeah you were in Thaïland that's true I forgot. How was it?" We start talking about my journey there with Brad and the kids. But since we want to announce it together, I don't say anything about our marriage. Brad joins us three hours later, and we stay there for about an hour before taking off. We're in the car on our way back home then I ask him to stop for a milkshake. "Since when are you into sugar like that ??" Brad looks at me laughing as he hands me my drink. "It's my know...menopause stuff, but I think it's fine if I just like sweet things, you know...I don't have crazy stuff ."

"Hmmm, I see your the way Angie is taking the kids to London next week. They'll be gone for like a month since she has to work at the university" I can see on his face that he is sad and not thrilled to be far from the kids but he never complains. " sweetie... I'm sure you're going to be fine...and you can go see them whenever you have the time" "Yeah...I guess, and I really want Coco to meet them. She will for sure get along with the girls."
" Yeah mostly her and Zee, they will adore each other, they like the same things!"
" I know it's when they'll be back we'll ask Courtney" " Oh that won't be a problem, she will never say no unless Coco is at David's..."
" Well sounds perfect then... God, I'm going to miss them, I hate that..." « I know... I'll miss them too. And my baby Knox...I'm crazy about this little guy. »

« He really adores you, I think might even get jealous of that haha... » « Oh come on! She won't...Well, I hope so... » I finish the rest of my shake then let Brad finish the rest before putting it on the back seats of the car. "Oh baby, by the way, tomorrow I'm seeing Dr.W to check if everything is fine" " God I had completely forgotten about want me to come? For comfort..."
" Oh no baby don't's just a check in...if I need you I'll call ya." He looks at me as if he wasn't sure he should leave me alone. " were not really comfortable when she called you in Phuket. You really don't want me to come?" " Honey don't worry...I don't know why I was anxious that night but I'm not anymore...aww look at you worrying about me, I love you. Do you?"
" This is not even question Jen, I'm crazy about you...I love you like Rachel loves Monica hahaha" I start laughing so hard that he finally does too, and he drops me home before going to see his friends.

The truth about love (the story of Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt)Where stories live. Discover now