In this story we will be looking through the eyes of August Brown. August Brown was born the 8th of August 2000. His mother is Shelle Maytrix and his father was Izack Rodgers. August was put in to sector 7 athletics. Normally children are not put into the same sector as parents but August was and he didn't even know. Athletics is the top sport to be put into this sector is special. August will be fostered by Penelope Dowin for his first five years. Since sector seven is the top sector you are not aloud to get married. that is why Penelope is by herself until.
Knock Knock Knock " O-P-E-N U-P P-E-N-E-L-O-P-E-." The Sargent robot yells. Normally when the Sargent come to your house it's bad news. But this time it was good news. When Penelope shyly opened the door the Sargent said " P-E-N-E-L-O-P-E T-H-I-S Y-O-U-R F-O-S-T-E-R C-H-I-L-D H-I-S N-A-M-E I-S A-U-G-U-S-T B-R-O-W-N D-O N-O-T G-E-T A-T-T-A-C-T-E-D T-O H-I-M O-R S-T-A-N-D-E-D L-A-W-S W-I-L-L A-P-P-L-I-Y. "
Penelope was so scared she took August and slammed the door in the Sargent face. When the Sargent finally left Penelope relaxed then she looked into August's eyes bright blue like the ocean. In sector 7 and all the sectors times where ruff and the people were poor. Penelope was especially poor. She lived in an old wooden house at the end of Raymond house street. Raymond house street is the most famous street in the whole of sector seven. At the top of the street the famous athletes live in big mansions founded by the council. At the bottom of the street there are the old wooden houses where the not so famous athletes live just like Penelope live. But if you compared sector 7 to sector 1 there is a big a huge difference. In sector 1 the sector of netball. Now netball is a great sport anyone knows that but its not the wealthiest sport to play. People in this sector live in little huts in very hot summer and winter days it's not pleasant. Because the head of all the sectors dosn't like netball it is not favoured like the wealthy people in sector 7.
August Shortly moved into the small house with Penelope. Even though thing were tight Penelope hoped for the best.
The sports games version 2
AventuraThis is the story of August Brown and his life in the SPORTS GAMES!!!