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Finn's POV
There's something up with her. She never lies to me. Well, she literally just told me she doesn't wanna be friends. Whatever I did, I doubt it's as bad as she's making out. Chosen always told me she was a drama queen.


Y/n's POV
I was at Millie's, we were on her couch, she had a James Charles video on, and I was pretending to watch it, when in real life, I couldn't take my mind away from Finn.
"Y/n, what's up? You seem distracted," Millie asked, pausing the video and setting her iPad on the coffee table. I shrugged and put on a smile. Millie asked me again, and I thought, lying to Finn made me lose him, so what if i lie to Millie? I can't lose her too.
"Well... me and Finn had an argument," I whispered. I told her the whole story, and Millie looked at me like I was an idiot. I mean, I am an idiot really.
"You should tell him how you feel," Millie sighed, tapping my shoulder.
"I mean I would, but I'm pretty sure Finn never wants to see me again," I bitterly laughed,
"Finn loves you Y/n/n. He would never not want to see you again," Millie said.
"He loves me as a friend, mills. I can tell," I sighed. Millie carried on trying to persuade me, and I ended up giving in and agreeing.

"Hey, finn..." I mumbled, tapping him on the shoulder.
"What?" He said annoyed,
"I need to tell you something..." I whispered.
"Go on then," he replied, uninterested.
"The reason I said I didn't want to be friends... was because..." I began, not wanting to blurt out what I had to say next, "I like you. Like, like you."
"Sure you do, fuck off Y/n," he sighed. Shit I'm gonna cry.
"Finn the reason I didn't tell you was because I was scared you didn't feel the same way," I continued,
"Well you we're right not to tell me. Because I don't feel the same about you," he shouted, running off, leaving me in pieces.

Shit I didn't know what to write I wrote the first part like a month ago I'm sorry I have writers block and I'm stressed and it's 11:55 right now. IM IN ENGLAND BISHES. Ok bye now xx

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